POSITIONS: PhD position at NIKOS (University of Twente)

entrepreneurship-phd at lists.uni-due.de entrepreneurship-phd at lists.uni-due.de
Wed Aug 5 14:46:13 MESZ 2009

We should like to draw your attention to a PhD position at the University of Twente, in the Dutch Institute for Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship - Nikos.

The PhD project will focus on studying strategies of researchers in transferring knowledge to society. The main idea is to identify main drivers of the transfer of knowledge and main differences between researchers with respect to this transfer.

For further information please visit the website: http://www.mb.utwente.nl/vacatures/09_154.doc/
Or contact dr. Kasia Zalewska-Kurek: k.zalewska-kurek at utwente.nl

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