ANNOUNCE: Social Entrepreneurship Journal - Editor Search

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Tue Jun 16 17:28:22 CEST 2009


Editor Search

The Kauffman Foundation is seeking an editor for the ERPN Social Entrepreneurship journal - - which includes content on social enterprise, social entrepreneurial behavior, and social innovation.

In its two years in existence, more than 11,500 papers have been uploaded by authors from many disciplinary backgrounds to the Entrepreneurship Research and Policy Network (ERPN), which have been downloaded over a million times. The Foundation would like to work with the new Social Entrepreneurship editor to expand the coverage in this area of the entrepreneurship research community.


The responsibilities for this position would be minimal, but include ongoing responsibilities (time estimate - 2 hours per month) for weekly review of electronic submissions to your network. (NOTE: This is not the typical editor role of editing and review but a more general screening to make sure the authors have classified their submission into the correct categories.)

The Kauffman Foundation also looks to work with this editor to get additional periodic feedback concerning the overall network and asks that the editor encourage submissions to the Social Entrepreneurship journal where appropriate.


The Foundation asks for an initial commitment of one year to serve in the role of editor. This position is unpaid. Please let me know if you'd like to discuss this opportunity or you have other questions.

CONTACT:       Mindee Forman
Email:         mailto:mforman at

More info at

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