CFP: 19th IntEnt 2009 Conference - Monterrey, Mexico

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Wed Jun 10 10:24:41 CEST 2009

Call for Papers
IntEnt 2009 
Internationalizing Entrepreneurship and Training
Family Wealth Management: Social Entrepreneurship and Venture Philanthropy in Emerging Markets
Monterrey Institute of Technology (ITESM) -- Graduate School of Business Administration and Leadership, Campus Monterrey (EGADE)
Mexico, September 24th – 26th, 2009
Deadline: June 30th 2009
Call for Papers
The 19th global IntEnt conference will take place in Monterrey, Mexico after Oxford/Ohio/USA, Gdansk/Poland, São Paulo/Brazil, Guildford/UK, Naples/Italy, Grenoble/France, Johore Baharu/Malaysia, Kruger National Park/South Africa, Tampere/Finland, Sofia/Bulgaria, Greater Frankfurt/Germany, Monterey/USA, Arnhem-Nijmegen/Netherlands, Perth-Bunbury/Australia, Stirling/UK, Vienna/ Austria, Dortmund/ Germany and Cambridge/UK.
The Conference
IntEnt is an annual conference for academics and practitioners to exchange their ideas on the research results and experiences in the field of entrepreneurship education and training. This year, the conference topic focuses on entrepreneurship in emerging countries, putting into stage how family firms promote and finance social entrepreneurs / social ventures within these contexts.
Conference Topics 
Submissions for IntEnt2009 Conference will welcome the following topics:                     
· The impact and effect of entrepreneurship programmes in emerging economies.
· Theoretical and methodological approaches in education and entrepreneurship training
· The role of education in the start-up process – Shall we promote family business courses?
· Entrepreneurship education and incubators
· Innovative ways of teaching entrepreneur-ship and family business management
· The role of government and the private sector in economic development – Shall entrepreneurs address institutional voids?
· Social Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies—Why, how, when and who?
· Philanthropy and its influence on economic development
· Women Entrepreneurship – Their role in society and within their families.
· Family Businesses and Economic Development – Any link?
· Corporate Social Responsibility in Emerging Countries—Any differences?
· NGM’s training and family wealth management.
· How to deal with the family Business in times of economic crisis... Entrepreneurship Resurgence? 
Papers relating to gender / women's entrepreneurship will be considered for potential publication in a special issue of the International Jounal of Gender and Entrepreneurship (IJGE) to be guest edited by  Professor Trevinyo-Rodríguez. More information can be found under: 
Submission on related topics will also be considered.
Authors who want to present their papers at the conference should submit a three-page abstract by June 30th  2009 to empresasfamiliares at 
Who should attend 
·  Researches, educators and doctoral students interested in entrepreneurship education, training and family business research and practice. We welcome all those who want to present their research and discuss their findings with other experts from all over the world.
·  Representatives of governmental organizations, business and trade associations concerned with promotion of education and training of entrepreneurs, family owners and next generation members.
·  Senior officials in entrepreneurship development, economic policy-making and administration. 
·  Entrepreneurs, consultants and advisors concerned with training the next generation of entrepreneurs.
·  Suppliers of education and training services
·  Publishers of teaching materials and publication in the field of entrepreneurship and family firms. 
·  All those with an interest in entrepreneurship and its promotion and development. 

Conference Partners 
Prof. Dr. Rosa Nelly Trevinyo-Rodríguez
Conference Chairholder
Family-Owned Business Chair at the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (ITESM), Campus Monterrey, Escuela de Graduos en Administración y Dirección de Empresas (EGADE)
Prof. Dr. Heinz Klandt
Conference Director
Chair for Entrepreneurship at the EUROPEAN BUSINESS SCHOOL, International University, Germany; honorary president FGF e.V.; director bifego e.V.
Prof. Dr. Jill Kickul
Conference Director
Stern School of Business - NYU, Berkley Center for Entrepreneurial Studies, USA
Prof. Dr. Alain Fayolle
Conference Director
EM Lyon Business School, France

Advisory Commitee Members 
Tales Andreassi (Fundação Getulio Vargas de São Paulo , BR), Robert H. Brockhaus (Saint Louis University, USA), Hans Crijns (Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School, B), Alan A. Gibb (Durham University, UK), Alain Fayolle (EM Lyon, CERAG-UPMF Grenoble, F and Solvay Business School, B), Gerald E. Hills (University of Illinois, Chicago, USA), Bengt Johannisson (Växjö University, SE), Jill Kickul (Stern School of Business - NYU, USA), David Kirby (British University in Egypt - BUE), Heinz Klandt (European Business School, D) Tan Teck Meng (Singapore Management University, SGP), Asko Miettinen (University of Tampere, FIN), Josef Mugler (Vienna University of Economics, A), Cecile Nieuwenhuizen (University of South Africa, ZA), Barra O’Cinneide (University of Limerick, IRL), Bogdan Piasecki (University of Lodz, PL), Hans Jobst Pleitner (University of St. Gallen, CH/Steinbeis University Berlin, D), Mario Raffa (University of Naples Federico II, I) Rafael E. Alcaraz Rodriguez (Monterrey Institute of Technology, MEX), Kiril Todorov, (University of National and World Economy, Sofia, BG) Rodrigo Varela (I.C.E.S.I., CO), José Veciana (Autonomous University of Barcelona, E), Karl H. Vesper (University of Washington, USA), Harold P. Welsch (DePaul University, USA), Dianne Wingham (Newcastle Graduate School of Business, AUS), Ahmad Zaki Abu Bakar, (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, MAL), Krzysztof Zieba (Gdansk University of Technology).
Best Research Paper Awards   
USD $1,500 ITESM-EGADE, Campus Monterrey, Family Business Center Award 2009
€1000 INTENT best academic Paper Award 2009

June 30th 2009 – Abstract submission
July 15th 2009 – Early bid Registration deadline
July 25th 2009 – Authors notified if abstract is selected for consideration at the Conference.
July 31st 2009 – Conference papers submitted electronically (email)
August 15th 2009 – Registration deadline

Current infomation on IntEnt2009 
The latest information and news about IntEnt 2009 will be sistematically updated on the IntEnt webiste 
Some more information can be obtained by sending an email to:
Prof. Dr. Rosa Nely Trevinyo-Rodríguez rosa.nelly.trevino at
Lic.Paulina Podmokly: empresasfamiliares.mty at

Conference Sponsors
Bifego e.V. betriebswirtschaftliches Institut für empirische Gründungs- und Organisations-forschung, Oestrich-Winkel, Germany ( 
FGF e.V. – Foerderkreis Gruendungs-Forschung, Bonn, Germany ( 
ITESM- EGADE, Campus Monterrey Family Business Center. 
KPMG Monterrey, México &  PwC Monterrey, México.

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