Multiple Responses (5): Criticism to qualitative methods in entrepreneurship studies

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Tue Jun 9 17:21:39 CEST 2009

From: Wade Lovell [mailto:wadelovell at] 
Sent: Friday, June 05, 2009 5:39 PM

• Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches by Dr. John W. Creswell 
• Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches by Dr. John W. Creswell 
• Strategies of Qualitative Inquiry by Norman K. Denzin and Dr. Yvonna Lincoln 
• Narrative Methods for Organizational & Communication Research (SAGE Series in Management Research) by Professor David Michael Boje 
• A Narrative Approach to Organization Studies (Qualitative Research Methods) by Professor Barbara Czarniawska 
• Narrating the Organization: Dramas of Institutional Identity (New Practices of Inquiry) by Barbara Czarniawska 

These may provide a start. The reality is that qualitative methodology while stretching back decades is relatively new to entrepreneurial activities. You may have to look at other disciplines, e.g. Qualitative research methods in nursing, and then bring the relevant aspects from those disciplines to your work.

Good luck,
Wade Lovell

From: Avron Olshewsky [mailto:avrono at]
Sent: Friday, June 05, 2009 5:42 PM


I know Anne Langley and Henry Minzberg have criticized in general terms. In entr. studies, Lee & Macmillian 1988, Gartner, 1989 amongst others

Hope this helps

From: Ejaz Mian [mailto:jajjay at] 
Sent: Saturday, June 06, 2009 3:40 AM

read prof gummeson on qualitative research. he is excellent. all research is interpretive says he

From: bruceajohnstone at [mailto:bruceajohnstone at] On Behalf Of Dr Bruce Johnstone
Sent: Saturday, June 06, 2009 6:41 AM

Dear Amie

You might find much in this handbook useful:

Handbook of Qualitative Research Methods in Entrepreneurship, Neergaard, H & Ulhøi, J (eds.), Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK. 2006 ISBN13 978 1 84376 835 7 To order ...

best regards
Bruce Johnstone
PhD, MBA, BBc, FNZIM, M Inst D. 
PARNELL Group Ltd.
PO Box 37998, Parnell. Auckland, New Zealand, 1151.
DDI: +64 (0) 9 909 6011  f: +64 (0) 9 909 6094
m: +64 (0) 21 669 646  im: bruce_johnstone (Skype)
e: bruce at w:

From: Erik Monsen [mailto:monsen at]
Sent: Monday, June 08, 2009 9:58 AM

Dear Amie,

Prof. Dr. Michael Frese has done extensive qualitative work in Sub-Saharan Africa, with a focus on using interviews to collect data.

He has also done extensive research on entrepreneurial orientation (EO)and is co-author on a recently published meta-analysis:

Best Regards,
Erik Monsen, Ph.D. (U. of Colorado at Boulder)
Senior Research Fellow
Entrepreneurship, Growth and Public Policy Group
Max Planck Institute of Economics
Kahlaische Str. 10
07745 Jena, Germany
+49-3641-686736 (office)
+49-3641-686710 (fax)
monsen at

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