RESPONSE: Literature Review on Entrepreneurship in Tourism

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Tue May 12 11:37:19 CEST 2009

From: Jalal Moosavi [mailto:jmoosavi at]
Date: Mon 11 May 2009 18:12

hi Kshitiz. following are some references that i hope will help you to go ahead
jalal moosavi

49,"M Lerner, S Haber","… factors of small tourism ventures The interface of tourism, entrepreneurship and the environment",2001,"Journal of Business Venturing","Elsevier","",""
22,"NG McGehee, K Kim","Motivation for agri-tourism entrepreneurship",2004,"Journal of Travel Research","","",""
17,"G Shaw, AM Williams","From lifestyle consumption to lifestyle production: changing patterns of tourism entrepreneurship.",2004,"Small firms in tourism: international perspectives","","",""
14,"G Shaw, AM Williams","The private sector: tourism entrepreneurship–a constraint or resource",1997,"The Rise and Fall of British Coastal Resorts: Cultural and …","Thomson Learning","",""
14,"M Hitchcock","Ethnicity and tourism entrepreneurship in Java and Bali",2000,"Current Issues in Tourism","","",""
11,"I Ateljevic, S Doorne","Unpacking the local: a cultural analysis of tourism entrepreneurship in Murter, Croatia",2003,"Tourism Geographies","","",""
11,"E Szivas","Entrance into tourism entrepreneurship: a UK case study",2001,"Tourism and Hospitality Research","HENRY STEWART","",""
71,"I Ateljevic, S Doorne","ʼStaying Within the Fenceʼ: Lifestyle Entrepreneurship in Tourism",2000,"Journal of Sustainable Tourism","","",""
37,"G Shaw, AM Williams","Entrepreneurship, small business culture and tourism development",1998,"The economic geography of the tourist industry: A supply- …","","",""
6,"NG McGehee, K Kim, GR Jennings","Gender and motivation for agri-tourism entrepreneurship",2007,"Tourism Management","Elsevier","",""
70,"AJ Morrison, M Rimmington, C Williams","Entrepreneurship in the hospitality, tourism and leisure industries",1999,"","","",""
5,"H Lassila","Problems in developing tourism entrepreneurship in a rural region: A case study",2000,"… in Urban and Rural Tourism, Centre for Travel and Tourism, …","","",""
4,"RV Bianchi","A critical ethnography of tourism entrepreneurship and social change in a fishing community in Gran …",1999,"","University of North London","",""
35,"R Russell, B Faulkner","Entrepreneurship, chaos and the tourism area lifecycle",2004,"Annals of tourism research","Elsevier","",""
3,"KY Koh","Tourism Entrepreneurship: People, Place, and Process",2006,"Tourism Analysis","Cognizant Communication Corporation","",""
14,"M Lordkipanidze, H Brezet, M Backman","The entrepreneurship factor in sustainable tourism development",2005,"Journal of Cleaner Production","Elsevier","",""
3,"M Hollick, P Braun","Lifestyle entrepreneurship: the unusual nature of the tourism entrepreneur",2005,"Regional Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research 2005","","",""
3,"R Lardies","Migration and tourism entrepreneurship: north-european immigrants in Cataluna and Languedoc",1999,"International Journal of Population Geography","","",""
16,"BJ Shaw, G Shaw","ʼSun, Sand and Salesʼ: Enclave Tourism and Local Entrepreneurship in Indonesia",1999,"Current Issues in Tourism","","",""
11,"JJ Kokkranikal, AJ Morrison","Entrepreneurship and sustainable tourism: A case study of the houseboats of Kerala",2002,"Tourism and Hospitality Research","","",""
14,"D Getz, T Petersen","Growth and profit-oriented entrepreneurship among family business owners in the tourism and …",2005,"International Journal of Hospitality Management","Elsevier","",""
2,"M Lerner, S Haber","Entrepreneurship in tourism: Performance factors of small tourism ventures: The interface of tourism …",2001,"Journal of Business Venturing","","",""
11,"I ATELJEVIC, S DOORNE","Local government and tourism development: issues and constraints of public sector entrepreneurship",2000,"New Zealand Geographer","","",""
2,"GÞ Jóhannesson","Entrepreneurs as ‘Social Capitalists’–Tourism, Entrepreneurship and Social Capital",2002,"Mobility, Culture and Tourism. NOLD PhD-course","","",""
2,"M Lerner","… factors of small tourism ventures: The interface of tourism, entrepreneurship and the environment",0,"Journal of Business Venturing","","",""
2,"M Lerner, S Haber","Performance of small tourism ventures: the interface of tourism, entrepreneurship and the …",2000,"J. of Bus. Venturing","","",""
6,"D Ioannides, T Petersen","Tourism ‘non-entrepreneurship’in peripheral destinations: a case study of small and medium tourism …",2003,"Tourism Geographies","","",""
8,"CM Rogerson","Investment-led entrepreneurship and small enterprise development in tourism: lessons for SDIs from …",2001,"South African Geographical Journal","SOUTH AFRICAN GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY","",""
6,"G Wall","The role of entrepreneurship in tourism",1999,"Un-published conference paper, ATLAS-Asia","","",""
5,"JOJ Lundgren","Tourism impact/island entrepreneurship in the Caribbean",1973,"Tourism: Economic, Physical, and Social Impacts. Longman","","",""
5,"HK Rothman","Selling the Meaning of Place: Entrepreneurship, Tourism, and Community Transformation in the …",1996,"The Pacific Historical Review","","",""
4,"PT Ingram","Indigenous entrepreneurship and tourism development in the Cook Islands and Fiji",1990,"","Business Studies)--Massey University","",""
1,"NK Austin","Entrepreneurship development and tourism in rural African communities",2003,"Journal of African Business","","",""
4,"G Raka","Entrepreneurship for tourism: Issues for Indonesia",2000,"… & G. Richards, Entrepreneurship and education in tourism. …","","",""
1,"KY Koh","A Conceptual Model to Explain Differences in Levels of Community Tourism Entrepreneurship",1996,"… Society of Travel & Tourism Educator’s conference","","",""
3,"S Ball","The importance of entrepreneurship to hospitality, leisure, sport and tourism",0,"The Higher Education Academy","","",""
1,"M Lerner, S Haber","… factors of small tourist business: the interface of tourism, entrepreneurship and the environment",2001,"Journal of Business Venturing","","",""
1,"YK Koh","A community tourism entrepreneurship development model",1996,"","UMI Dissertation Services, Ann Arbor, Mich.","",""
1,"GM NANCY, KIM KYUNGMI","Motivation for agri-tourism entrepreneurship",2004,"Journal of Travel Research","","",""
1,"HK Rothman","Selling the Meaning of Place: Tourism, Entrepreneurship, and Community Transformation in the …",1996,"Pacific Historical Review","AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION","",""
1,"L BOSQUE, R Migration","tourism entrepreneurship: north-European immigrants in Cataluña and Languedoc",1999,"International Journal of Population Geography","","",""
1,"L Bibbings","Tourism, Entrepreneurship and Small Business'",1999,"","Oxford Brookes University, Research Paper","",""
1,"S Selengut","Presentation at Sustainable Tourism, Entrepreneurship, and Technology conference, George Washington …",1998,"Washington, DC","","",""
1,"H Rothman","Selling the Meaning of Place: Tourism, Entrepreneurship, and Community 332 HAL ROTHMAN …",0,"Pacific Historical Review","","",""
3,"G Shaw, AM Williams","Tourism and entrepreneurship",2002,"Critical Issues in Tourism: A Geographical Perspective","","",""
3,"M Lordkipanidze","Enhancing entrepreneurship in rural tourism for sustainable regional development: the case of …",0,"IIIEE","","",""
3,"T Kamsma, K Bras","Gili Trawangan: Local Entrepreneurship in Tourism Under Pressure",1999,"Tourism & Small Entrepreneurs: Development, National Policy, …","","",""
3,"J Bennett","Indigenous Entrepreneurship, Social Capital and Tourism Enterprise Development: Lessons from Cape …",2005,"","La Trobe University","",""
2,"FM Go, A Chan","A normative framework for entrepreneurship and innovation in Hong Kong tourism",1997,"Journal of Enterprising Culture","","",""
2,"DR Rao","Culture and entrepreneurship in Fiji’s small tourism business sector",2004,"","","",""
2,"S Beeton","Entrepreneurship in Rural Tourism? Australian Landcare Programs as a Destination Marketing Tool",2002,"Journal of Travel Research","","",""
2,"H DAHLES","Small Businesses in the Indonesian Tourism Industry: Entrepreneurship or Employement",1999,"Tourism and Small Entrepreneurs. Development, National …","","",""
2,"D Buhalis, A Paraskevas","Entrepreneurship in tourism ands the contexts of experience economy, University of Lapland, …",2002,"Tourism Management","","",""
2,"K Bras","Entrepreneurship and education in tourism",2000,"","ATLAS Asia","",""
2,"S Aho","Tourism as an impetus for local entrepreneurship and innovation",2002,"Cultural heritage, Man and Tourism. University of Liege, …","","",""
2,"S Education, Saskatchewan","Tourism, Hospitality, and Entrepreneurship A30, B30: Curriculum Guidelines: a Practical and Applied …",1998,"","Saskatchewan Education","",""
2,"E Szivas, M Riley","Tourism employment and entrepreneurship in the changing economy of Hungary",1997,"Proceedings of the Third Annual Conference on Central and …","","",""
3,"S BRETON","Entrepreneurship in Rural Tourism",2002,"Australian Landcare","","",""
2,"R Morrison","… , M. Rimmington and C. Williams, Entrepreneurship in the Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure Industries",1999,"","Butterworth Heinemann, Oxford","",""
2,"A Morrison, M Rimmington, C Williams","Entrepreneurship in the Hospitality, Leisure and Tourism Industries",1999,"","Butterworth-Heinemann: Oxford","",""
1,"M Lordkipanidze","Enhancing Entrepreneurship in Rural Tourism for Sustainable Regional Development",2002,"","","",""
1,"AM Zapalska, D Brozik, D Rudd","Characteristics of Polish entrepreneurship in the tourism and hospitality industry.",2004,"Tourism (Zagreb)","","",""
1,"H Tetzschner, H Herlau","Innovation and social entrepreneurship in tourism: a potential for local business development?",2003,"","","",""
1,"R Prianaki","Tourism education and entrepreneurship in Greece",1999,"","ATLAS Asia conference ‘Tourism education and entrepreneurship,’ …","",""
1,"J Neblett, MB Green","Linking development, indigenous entrepreneurship and tourism with special reference to Barbados",2005,"… Graduate School of Entrepreneurship Research Report Series, …","","",""
1,"A Haahti","Entrepreneurship in tourism and the contexts of experience economy",2002,"Tourism Management","","",""
1,"BJ Shaw, GS Sun","Sand and Sales: Enclave Tourism and Local Entrepreneurship in Indonesia",1992,"Current Issues in Tourism","","",""
1,"JO Lundgren","Tourism impact/island entrepreneurship in the Caribbean. Paper presented to the Conference of Latin …",1973,"… , A. and Wall, G.(1982) Tourism: Economic, Physical and …","","",""
1,"K Weiermair, M Peters, M Schuckert","… Development and the Tourist Life-cycle: Implications for Entrepreneurship in Alpine Tourism",2007,"Tourism Recreation Research","","",""
1,"T Kamsma, K Bras, G Trawangan","Local Entrepreneurship in Tourism Under Pressure",1999,"Tourism and Small Entrepreneurs: Development, National …","New York: Cognizant Communication Corporation","",""
1,"P Braun, M Hollick","Lifestyle Entrepreneurship: the unusual nature of the tourism entrepreneur",2005,"","Regional Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research (AGSE), …","",""
1,"H Herlau, H Tetzschner","Innovation and social entrepreneurship in tourism: a potential for local business development?",0,"Institut for Miljø-og Erhvervsøkonomi, Det …","","",""
1,"A Morrison","Entrepreneurship in tourism: moving form the generic to the particular",2004,"","At: http://www. atlas-euro. org","",""
1,"C Rogerson","Investment-Led Entrepreneurship Development: Tourism and Small Enterprise Development in South …",2000,"Draft Report prepared for the Development Bank of Southern …","","",""
1,"D Gurung","Developing women’s entrepreneurship in tourism (DWET): An experience in the Annapurna Region of …",1997,"Mountains of the World. A Global Priority. Parthenon …","","",""
1,"PT Ingram","Indigenous Entrepreneurship and Tourism Development in the Cook Islands and Fiji, unpublished Ph. D",1990,"","thesis, Massey University, New Zealand","",""
1,"RA Russell","Tourism, Chaos and Entrepreneurship: A Comparative Study of the Development of Surfers Paradise and …",2000,"","","",""
1,"L Ndabeni, CM Rogerson","Entrepreneurship in rural tourism: the challenges of South Africa's Wild Coast",2005,"Africa Insight","","",""
1,"M Alison","Entrepreneurship in the Hospitality. Tourism and Leisure Industries",1999,"","Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann Linaare House","",""
1,"L panidze Maia, B Han…","The entrepreneurship factor in sustainable tourism development",2005,"Journal of Cleaner Production","","",""
1,"S Ball","Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development for the Hospitality and Tourism Industry",2001,"","BSc (Hons) Hospitality Management-distance learning module …","",""
1,"K Weiermair","``Entrepreneurship & small business: The case of the entrepreneurial SMEin tourism''",1998,"Proceedings of 28th European Small Business Seminar","","",""
0,"D Buhalis, A Paraskevas","Entrepreneurship in tourism and the contexts of experience economy, University of Lapland, Rovaniemi, …",2002,"Tourism Management","Elsevier","","*+tourism+*+*"
0,"SK Gupta","Tourism Entrepreneurship Development in Uttaranchal: A Case of Tourist Guest House Project of …",2006,"… tourism planning and development: All India Tourism …","Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh","",""
0,"R Komppula","Developing Rural Tourism in Finland through Entrepreneurship",2006,"Tourism in the New Europe: Perspectives on Sme Policies and …","","",""
0,"A Melngaile","Concern of food environment safety in sustainable tourism entrepreneurship; Partikas vides drosuma …",2003,"","",";LV2004000090",""
0,"C Thompson, University of Strathclyde","An Explication of Tourism Entrepreneurship in The Gambia",2001,"","University of Strathclyde","","*+Tourism+Entrepreneurship"
0,"DG DEI LUOGHI, RP Altieri","Paper on: Good practices in social tourism entrepreneurship",0,"","","",""
0,"W Lyu","An Exploration of Motivation for Agri-Tourism Entrepreneurship",2007,"","","",""
0,"P Stephen, A Jovo","Tourism and entrepreneurship: international perspectives (paperback)",0,"","","",""
0,"NG McGEHEE, CS KLiNE","10 Entrepreneurship and the Rural Tourism Industry",2008,"Building Community Capacity for Tourism Development","","",""
0,"L Yang, G Wall","Ethnic Tourism and Entrepreneurship: Xishuangbanna, Yunnan, China",2008,"Tourism Geographies","","",""
0,"K Weiermair, HJ Siller, C Mössenlechner","Entrepreneurs and Entrepreneurship in Alpine Tourism",2006,"Journal of Teaching in Travel & Tourism","","",""
0,"F Wambalaba, A Wambalaba","Conceptualizing Structures for urban Tourism in Kenya: A strategy for enhancing Entrepreneurship",0,"","","",""
0,"MG Brizek, AA Poorani","… for Entrepreneurship: A Survey of Small Business Management Courses within Hospitality and Tourism …",0,"Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sports and Tourism …","","",""
0,"J Bowden","The Rise of the ICT-Dependent Home-Based Travel Agents: Mass Tourism to Mass Travel Entrepreneurship",2007,"Information Technology &# 38; Tourism","Cognizant Communication Corporation","","*+*+ICT+Dependent"
0,"G Silva, JR Edwards","Tourism related entrepreneurship in selected Portuguese rural areas.",2003,"","","",""
0,"H Herlau, H Tetzschner","Working paper. No. 49/03. Innovation and social entrepreneurship in tourism: a potential for local …",0,"Institut for Miljø-og Erhvervsøkonomi, Det …","","",""
0,"S Thomas","The Welsh Heritage Tourism Industry and Entrepreneurship",2003,"","University of Glamorgan","",""
0,"H Herlau, H Tetzschner","Working paper. No. 49/03. Innovation and social entrepreneurship in tourism: a potential for local …",0,"Institut for Miljø-og Erhvervsøkonomi, Det …","","",""
0,"S Thomas","The Welsh Heritage Tourism Industry and Entrepreneurship",2003,"","University of Glamorgan","",""
0,"SJ Pettitt","Entrepreneurship in Tourism: developing a Model of Innovation Potential",1990,"Conference proceedings","","","*+Tourism+developing"
0,"U Cloesen","Entrepreneurship within rural tourism: A private walkway on Banks Peninsula, New Zealand",0,"","","",""
0,"DR Vaughan, G Silva, JR Edwards","Entrepreneurship in Rural Areas: The Case of Tourism-Related Businesses",2007,"","","",""
0,"K Gundolf, A Jaouen, S Loup","Collective entrepreneurship and collective strategies: the case of tourism in France",2009,"International Journal of Business and Globalisation","Inderscience","",""
0,"P Triandos, RMIT University","Melbourne's Tourism Accommodation Market: Cycles and Entrepreneurship",2005,"","RMIT University","",""
0,"M Bartoluci, D Omrcen, M Andrijasevic","Economic basis of the development of sports tourism exemplified by a model of entrepreneurship",2006,"ACTA TURISTICA","FACULTY OF ECONOMICS UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB","","*+*+development"
0,"PTI Pryor","Indigenous Entrepreneurship and Tourism Development in the Cook Islands and Fiji",1990,"","Massey University","","*+Tourism"
0,"U Cloesen","How does entrepreneurship within rural tourism diversify rural economies–Banks Peninsula–New …",0,"","","",""
0,"L Li","A review of entrepreneurship research published in the hospitality and tourism management journals",2008,"Tourism Management","Elsevier","",""
0,"T Ranja","Development of National Entrepreneurship in East Africa: The Case of Tourism and Petroleum Marketing …",0,"","","",""
0,"J Lundgren","Tourist impact/island entrepreneurship in the Caribbean. Cited in: Shaw, G. and Williams, A.(1994) …",1973,"","Blackwell, Oxford, UK","",""
0,"M Bartoluci","Entrepreneurship programs in sport nd tourism",0,"is stated in","","","*+sport"
0,"M Bartoluci","Entrepreneurship in the Development of Tourism",2000,"Zbornik radova Ekonomskog fakulteta u Rijeci: casopis za …","","",""
0,"J Deze, L Ranogajec","Entrepreneurship and Rural Tourism in East Croatia",2006,"5th International Scientific Days of Land Management","","","*+Rural+Tourism"
0,"M Bartoluci","… turizma= Entrepreneurship models in sport within the transition process of Croatian tourism",1996,"Acta turistica","","",""

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