CFP: The International journal of E-Entrepreneurship and Innovation (IJEEI)

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Thu May 7 10:12:09 CEST 2009

From: mohammad ali sarlak [mailto:drsarlak at] 
Date: Tue 14 Apr 2009 22:22

I would like to take this opportunity to personally invite you to consider submitting a proposal electronically for a possible submission for the International journal of E-Entrepreneurship and Innovation (IJEEI). If you are interested in submitting a proposal, please visit the Web site for IJEEI at for more information. Below please find a copy of the call for papers for your review and use.
Kind regards,
Mohammad Ali Sarlak, Associate Professor.
International journal of E-Entrepreneurship and Innovation 
E-mail: drsarlak at
Inaugural Issue: January-March 2010
International Journal of E-Entrepreneurship and Innovation (IJEEI) 
An Official Publication of the Information Resources Management Association - New in 2010
Editor-in-Chief: Mohammad Ali Sarlak, Associate Professor, Payame Noor University, Tehran; 
Call for Papers:

International Journal of E-Entrepreneurship and innovation (IJEEI)

An Official Publication of the Information Resources Management Association--New in 2010 
Editor-in-Chief: Mohammad Ali Sarlak ,Associate Professor, Payame Noor University, IRAN


International Journal of E-Entrepreneurship and innovation (IJEEI)

Official publication of the Information Resources Management Association, USA 
Inaugural Issue: January-March 2010 
Editor-in-Chief: Mohammad Ali Sarlak, Associate Professor, Payame Noor University, IRAN 
Published: Quarterly (both in Print and Electronic form) 
International Editorial Review Board
There is a general consensus that the innovative utilization of Internet and other information and communication technologies, in the field of entrepreneurship, has resulted in an emerging e-entrepreneurship and innovation phenomenon. In recent years, the rapid growth of e-entrepreneurship and innovation practice, has re-enforced the need for a leading, authoritative research and scientific journal to disseminate leading edge findings about e-entrepreneurship and innovation. The IJEEI, as a new international journal, provides both a theoretical and practical approaches to e-entrepreneurship and innovation. 

The main objective of the International Journal of E-Entrepreneurship and Innovation (IJEEI) is to provide an international forum for researchers and practitioners to advance the knowledge and practice of all facets of electronic entrepreneurship and innovation. Emerging e-entrepreneurship and innovation theories, technologies, applications and challenges are emphasized to stimulate and disseminate cutting-edge information into research and business communities in a timely fashion. The secondary objective of this journal is to develop a comprehensive framework of e-entrepreneurship and innovation by taking a multidisciplinary approach to understanding its implications on entrepreneurship, businesses and economies.

The IJEEI is an international journal and publishes original researches on various aspects of e- entrepreneurship and innovation. Among topics to be included (but not limited) are the following:
.  Development of e-entrepreneurship and innovation 
.  Interaction between e- entrepreneurship and e-innovation 
.  Models for e-entrepreneurship and innovation 
.  Theories of e-entrepreneurship and innovation 
.  Strategies of e-entrepreneurship and innovation 
.  Critical success factors for e-entrepreneurship and innovation 
.  Barriers and challenges of e-entrepreneurship and innovation 
.  Economic and social impacts of e-entrepreneurship and innovation 
.  E-entrepreneurship and innovation in developing and developed countries 
.  E-entrepreneurship and innovation in small, medium and large-sized organizations 
.  E- entrepreneurship education and training 
.  Ethical and legal issues in e- entrepreneurship and innovation 
.  E-entrepreneurship and business plan 
.  Women and youth e- entrepreneurship and innovation 
.  Trust in e- entrepreneurship and innovation 
.  E-entrepreneurship and e-society 
.  E-entrepreneurship and employment 
.  Role of religion and national culture in e-entrepreneurship and innovation 
.  Role of internet and other ICTs in e-entrepreneurship and innovation 
.  Case studies on e-entrepreneurship and innovation 
.  New horizons in e-banking and e-government through e-entrepreneurship and innovation 

Prospective authors should note that only original and previously unpublished manuscripts will be considered. INTERESTED AUTHORS SHOULD CONSULT THE JOURNAL'S GUIDELINES FOR MANUSCRIPT SUBMISSIONS at submission.pdf 

All manuscript submissions will be forwarded to at least 3 members of the Editorial Review Board of the journal for a double-blind, peer review. Final decision regarding acceptance/ revision/rejection will be based on the reviews received from the reviewers. All submissions must be forwarded electronically to drsarlak at by NO LATER THAN May 15, 2009. 

The IJEEI is published by IGI Global (formerly Idea Group Inc.), publisher of the "Information Science Reference" (formerly Idea Group Reference) and "Medical Information Science Reference" imprints. For additional information regarding the publisher, please visit

The Editor-in-Chief of the IJEEI invites you to consider submitting a manuscript for inclusion in this scholarly journal. All submissions and inquiries should be directed to the attention of: 

Mohammad Ali Sarlak , Associate Professor. 
Editor-in-Chief, International journal of E-Entrepreneurship and Innovation (IJEEI) 
E-mail: drsarlak at 

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