CFP: 2009 SEAANZ Conference - Wellington, New Zealand

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Mon Mar 9 11:51:53 CET 2009

From: van Gelderen, Marco [mailto:M.vanGelderen at] 
Date: Mon, 9 March 2009 03:14

Dear Subscribers
We are now able to confirm and advise you of the details for the 22nd Annual SEAANZ Conference, which will be hosted by Massey University, Wellington, New Zealand in collaboration with the Small Enterprise Association of Australia and New Zealand (SEAANZ).  The conference dates are from the 31st August 2009 - 2nd September 2009.
Below is the Call for Papers & Abstracts - this CfP can also be accessed through the Conference Website
Please note that the submission deadline is 1st May 2009.  Please feel free to pass this email on to anyone else you think may be interested.
Kind Regards
Professor Claire Massey
Conference Chair
Massey University
New Zealand
Call for Papers 
Submission Deadline: May 1st, 2009

The theme of the 22nd SEAANZ Conference; Start small - Think big is one of many phrases used by researchers, policy-makers, educators and practitioners. It can imply that growth: is possible from the smallest of beginnings; is the ultimate goal for owner-managers; and, is the greatest contribution a small firm can make (along with its associated outcomes of increasing profit, outputs and staff). The theme also pays homage to the innovations that can emerge from the smallest of firms. Submissions are invited on all of these topics.
There is also room for the theme to be examined critically. Submissions can address questions such as: Should a 'big firm' be the goal? Does targeted business assistance legitimise high growth as the only 'suitable' business goal? Are micro-firms written off and pejoratively labelled as 'lifestyle businesses'? Is growth of small enterprises the panacea for all economic ills? What are the implications of growth in terms of sustainability?
The conference programme will feature sessions addressing the theme, as well as a wide range of topics relating to small enterprises. Papers and workshops from researchers, educators, policymakers and practitioners are welcome.

Your Participation
There are various ways to take part in the 22nd SEAANZ conference:
* By making a presentation. Three types of submissions are invited; refereed papers, non-refereed papers and workshops:
1. The refereed paper stream provides the opportunity for researchers to present completed research or new theoretical conceptualisations. Examples of suitable submissions may include: reports on completed research; conceptual papers which present new models; a report on work in progress; a thorough literature review of an area under investigation; and/or research-based case studies. Preference will be given to submissions that address the conference theme, although it is not necessary to do so. All refereed papers will be double blind refereed. 

Please note: When you make your initial submission you have the choice of submitting an abstract only (with the full paper to be submitted and reviewed at a later point) OR submitting the full paper for review straightaway. Go online to to submit a full paper or abstract.
2. The non-refereed paper stream provides the opportunity for a range of other submissions. Examples of suitable submissions may include: examples of good practice or practice-based case studies (in the case of practitioners); or proposals for research to be conducted (in the case of researchers).
3. The workshop stream provides the opportunity for practical presentations e.g. experiential learning exercises or product demonstrations. To discuss proposals for workshops contact Kate Lewis.
* By attending the doctoral workshop on August 31st - an event that is open to all students enrolled in a PhD programme at the time of the conference.
* By acting as a member of the audience, and attending the many fascinating sessions, workshops, and plenary speeches. The 2009 SEAANZ Conference will enable you to meet with leading researchers in the field, to engage in dialogue on the latest issues concerning the SME sector with policy makers, educators and practitioners, to network with key figures from organisations linked to the SME sector from Australasia, and to socialise and enjoy Massey Wellington's hospitality and friendly atmosphere.
* By attending the post-conference policy day, which will be hosted by the New Zealand Centre for Small and Medium Enterprise Research on Thursday 3rd September 2009. This will provide an opportunity to discuss the policy implications of the papers presented at the conference.

Deadlines for Academic Submissions
When your initial submission is a full paper:
* Submission due Friday 1st May 2009
* Notification by Monday 1st June 2009
* Full paper due Wednesday 1st August 2009

When your initial submission is an abstract:
* Submission due Friday 1st May 2009
* Notification by Monday 1st June 2009

Abstracts: Word limit of 500 words, abstracts should include topic, research question, methodology, findings, and implications.
Full Papers: 1 inch margins (2.54 cm) all around, Times New Roman 12pt., double spaced, fully justified, APA style referencing, tables and figures after the reference list, first level headings: uppercase, bold, centred; second level headings: sentence-case, bold, left-aligned.

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