REQUEST: Literature stream overview in Entrepreneurial Finance

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Fri Feb 6 17:14:51 CET 2009

From: Singh, Luv [mailto:Luv.Singh at] 
Date: Fri 6 Feb 2009 15:46

Dear entrepreneurship researchers, 
I want to get an overview of various research streams related to finance in entrepreneurship, e.g.:
* management of finance (efficiency of reporting systems etc.) 
* financing methods (bootstrapping, bank financing, angel financing, vc financing, etc.) 
* finance theory (pecking order etc.) 
*  ...
-> Someone must have done sth. like that already I am quite sure. Do any of you know/has such a compilation - best with published journal literature links of course.
Would be very helpful.
Many thanks and a good weekend,

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