REQUEST: Assistance and support to complete Phd Thesis in Entrepreneurship

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Mon Jan 26 13:16:23 CET 2009

From: Ansir Ali Rajput [mailto:rajput at] 
Date: Thu 22 Jan 2009 14:56

Dear All

I am doing my phd in entrepreneurship and seeking guidance and support to complete my thesis. The topic of my thesis is

Developing entrepreneurial model for Pakistani SMEs--a case study on commercial fast food entrepreneurs

The synopsis for the thesis has already been accepted. Here are some information on the topic.

To develop an entrepreneurial model for the SMEs in general and commercial fast food SMEs in particular. 
Factors of success are to be derived from the experiences of profitable commercial fast food enterprises operating in Pakistan. 

The building blocks of the model are two folds 

1. Identify the factors of success by looking at successful SMEs 
2. Based on the factor identification, a model needs to be developed which can explain the relationship 
these factors have with each other and how much these factors contribute to the success of an enterprise in Pakistani context.  

In other words, the study visualizes that a set of factor namely 
1. Entrepreneur    
2. Innovation                          
3. Culture and Environment                             
4. Ressources                           
5. Networking
6. Opportunity       
7. Others

determine the success of a commercial fast food enterprise. A commercial enterprise is profit oriented. 
A consistently higher rate of profit is frequently taken as an index of growth and expansion of a commercial enterprise.  
Hence this study adopts profit as measure of success of an enterprise. 
Y=   a1 X1 + a2 X2 + a3 X3+ a4 X4 + a5 X5+ a6 X6+ a7 X7 + έ
Y=  Success (Profit in terms of earning)     
X1= Entrepreneur
X2= Innovation
X3= Culture and Environment
X4= Resources
X5= Networking
X6= Opportunity
έ = Error term

To test the proposed model, a study will be conducted on selected SMEs sector. 
Food sector is selected and from this sector commercial fast food segment is selected. 

I will be very happy to send you the detail via a file in you require. I am looking for external evaluators and adviors who can help me in this regard.

Take care

Look forward to hear from you soon

Ansir Ali Rajput
MBA Babson College ( 1997)
Associate Professor, Entrepreneruship and Marketing
Head, Department of Management Sciences
Mohammad Ali Jinnah University
Islamabad, Pakistan

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