CFP: 10th oikos PhD Summer Academy 2009 - Sustainability-driven Business Models

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Wed Dec 10 17:07:44 CET 2008

From: jost.hamschmidt at [mailto:jost.hamschmidt at] 
Date: Tue 9 Dec 2008 22:17

10th oikos PhD Summer Academy 2009 
Sustainability-driven Business Models 
August 30-September 4, 2009, Switzerland 
Abstract submission deadline: March 15th, 2009 

oikos foundation invites doctoral candidates to submit a paper to the 10th international oikos PhD Summer Academy. The basic idea of the academy is to provide a forum for PhD students to present and discuss their on-going research projects with fellow students and senior faculty. The 10th oikos PhD summer academy focuses on the role of business models in achieving environmental, social and economic sustainability. Feedback will be given by 
Oana Branzei, Ass. Professor of Strategy, Richard Ivey School of Business (Canada)
Jeffery S. McMullen, Ass. Professor of Entrepreneurship, Kelley School of Business, Indiana University (USA)
Christian Seelos, Director of the IESE Platform for Strategy and Sustainability (IPSS), IESE Business School, Barcelona (Spain)

The interactive programme will encompass graduate student presentations, guest lectures (e.g. Rolf Wüstenhagen, University of St. Gallen), professional development roundtables and social events. 

To allow in-depth discussions the oikos PhD summer academy is limited to 15 PhD students. Please, send us your proposal abstract (max. 2-3 pages), a short curriculum vitae and a letter of interest until March 15, 2009. For more details please visit our website or download the call for papers at

Dr. Jost Hamschmidt
oikos foundation for economy and ecology
University of St. Gallen - Switzerland
phone: ++41 71 224 2595

oikos / PRI Young Scholars Finance Academy 2009 (Feb 08-13)

NEW: Wuestenhagen, R., Hamschmidt, J., Sharma, S., Starik, M. (eds., 2008): Sustainable Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK.

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