CFP: The Intersection between Entrepreneurship and Organisational Behaviour (IJEV)

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Mon Oct 6 09:33:05 CEST 2008

From: Sascha.Kraus at [mailto:Sascha.Kraus at] 
Date: Sun 5 Oct 2008 11:34

International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing (IJEV) 
CfP for a Special Issue on 
“The Intersection between Entrepreneurship and Organisational Behaviour”

Guest Editors: 
Dr. Michèle O'Dwyer, University of Limerick, Ireland
Dr. Leon Schjoedt, Illinois State University, USA

Paper Submission Deadline: 5 December 2008	 

About the focus issue on “The Intersection between Entrepreneurship and Organisational Behaviour”:

The very nature of creating new organisations is anchored in actions of individuals. Entrepreneurial behaviour as a research construct is the concrete enactment of individual or team tasks or activities required to start and grow a new venture. Behaviour is best understood as discrete units of action that can be observed by others. These activities are consciously chosen by individuals with the intention of finding and exploiting an opportunity and forming a new organisation of human, financial, physical, social, and intellectual resources. This behaviour (the actions) draws upon the experience, knowledge, skills, abilities, cognitions, intelligence, learning, intentions, and motivations of entrepreneurial individuals and teams.

As entrepreneurs' behaviour is central to entrepreneurship and new venture creation, it is expected that substantial research has addressed entrepreneurs' behaviour. This is not so, however. Fortunately, this is changing as interest in understanding how entrepreneurs' abilities, behaviours, characteristics, and motives influence their success is rejuvenated; and the literature on Organisational behaviour (OB) offers invaluable assistance to scholars in understanding entrepreneurs' behaviours. It offers an extensive array of insights into the fundamental aspects of human behaviours and processes that seem very relevant to entrepreneurial activities.

Research testing OB theories in the context of new ventures may provide important new insights not readily obtained in the usual settings of OB research - large, mature organisations. Also, it may advance understanding of both OB and entrepreneurship by illustrating some factors may operate similarly, while other factors may not be applicable or may operate very differently in new ventures than in large, mature organisations. Consequently, the purpose of this round table is to encourage scholars to share findings and insights on how OB theories apply in the context of new venture creation and to advance understanding of entrepreneurs' behaviour. 

Therefore, conceptual, quantitative or qualitative articles from a broad range of areas (such as business administration, management, psychology, sociology etc.) which advance the academic literature on entrepreneurial behaviour, i.e. the interface between Entrepreneurship and OB research, will be considered for publication in a special issue of the International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing (IJEV).

About the Journal:

The IJEV proposes and fosters discussion on the organisational processes surrounding the concepts of opportunity, growth and value creation. Because the exploitation of opportunities, the subsequent growth of organisations around these opportunities and the value created by both processes are so vital to the creation and redistribution of societal wealth, the development and the dissemination of more systematic knowledge are required.
Whilst some preliminary and traditional efforts in this direction have been taken, IJEV is open to new, creative and innovative research approaches, designs and methods. In an attempt to bridge the gap between research and practice, it emphasises the implications of this new knowledge for researchers, managers, public policy makers and business educators.
The objective of IJEV is to provide an international forum in the field of management with the particular focus on the phenomena of opportunity, growth and value creation by publishing quality research articles. It also aims to promote and to coordinate developments in these fields of management. As these areas have both economic and societal implications, IJEV encourages the broadening and deepening of thought in these fields.
IJEV publishes original papers, conceptual papers, empirical papers, review papers, case studies, relevant reports, book reviews, notes, commentaries, and news on topics from the perspectives of entrepreneurship and innovation management. Fresh, novel ideas and new ways of doing research are particularly welcome!


IJEV provides a vehicle to help academics, professionals, researchers and policy makers, working in the field of entrepreneurship, strategy, management, and business education, to create and to disseminate quality knowledge. The journal also provides a forum to allow interested parties to learn from each other's work.

Specific Notes for Authors:
Submitted papers should not have been previously published nor be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere.
All papers are refereed through a double blind process. A guide for authors can be found here: Author Guidelines. Please send a PDF file with 20 pages maximum.

Submission Procedure:

Since this Special Issue is connected to the European Academy of Management (EURAM) Conference in Liverpool (UK) 2009, submission of papers needs to be done over the following submission website:

Please be aware to select track:
E - Entrepreneurial Behaviour – Researching the Intersection between Entrepreneurship and Organisational Behaviour 
under the selection menu (under point 2).

We are looking forward to seeing you in Liverpool!

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