REMINDER: HRM Special Issue on Entrepreneurship and HR in the Global Economy

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Mon Sep 15 13:47:05 CEST 2008

Special Issue Call For Papers
Entrepreneurship and Human Resources in the Global Economy
Deadline: September 30, 2008

Guest Co-Editors:
Dr. Judith Tansky, Ohio State University, tansky_1 at
Dr. Domingo Ribeiro Soriano, University of Valencia,
domingo.ribeiro at
Dr. Salvador Roig Dobon, University of Valencia, salvador.roig at

In 2010, Volume 49, Issue 1 of Human Resource Management (HRM) will be
devoted to the study of entrepreneurship and human resources in the
global economy. Quite some time has passed since Schuler (1986) wrote
one of the first papers that linked entrepreneurship and human resource
management in organizations. Much has been written from the viewpoint of
aspects linked to entrepreneurship in many top international journals,
and some journals have even been created with the aim is of analyzing
entrepreneurship from different perspectives: management, business or
regional development. For its part, the study of human resources is an
already highly consolidated field of research in the world of management
and business, though few written contributions interrelating both
concepts and fields have been published. In this special issue, it is
our proposal to directly link both concepts in the international context
in which we now find ourselves. The guest editors believe that this is
an appropriate moment to analyze this link in the current new globalized
context. In order to do this, new theories will be developed in this
special issue on the relation between entrepreneurship and human
resource management, along with relevant methodological advancements
that consider entrepreneurial activity in terms of human resources and
human resources with regard to entrepreneurship, empirical researches,
practice-oriented papers, case studies, teaching-oriented papers, and
book reviews if there is relevant material available.

Although the study of organizational structure and human resources is a
traditional field of research, made apparent by the different journals
that cover this area in their topic scope, and the field of
entrepreneurship is a relatively modern one, they are connected by
concepts such as the finality of social welfare through the
incorporation of new products and innovations, though one is achieved
through obtaining competitive advantages, in microeconomic terms, while
the other creates wealth via macroeconomies. Many ingenious
entrepreneurs generate remarkable new plans and ideas for business but
fail to put them into practice as they are not capable of managing the
work of others or of optimizing this work. What is required of employees
in an organization in order to be entrepreneurial is quite different
from their needs when they have a  non-entrepreneurial posture. Basic
strategies and policies of human resource management, communication, and
resolving conflicts are necessary skills in order to manage
successfully. This, in addition to the fact that the globalization of
markets, technological changes and innovation means that the adaptation
of human resources to particular situations in each sector or country is
one of the necessary requirements that public and private institutions
need to address. We are interested in articles that investigate the
relation between entrepreneurship and human resource management from the
individual, organizational and business perspective, as well as specific
human resource management practices that organizations need to utilize
to achieve entrepreneurship.

Authors are urged to pose research that makes significant contributions
to the literature. Such research includes developing and testing core
elements of existing theories; resolving conflicting predictions from
multiple theories; or integrating different theories, propositions,
contributions and findings using different samples or measures, and seek
conclusions that break new ground and provide major and lasting impact.
Submissions could report on single-country studies or multiple country
comparisons.  In particular, we encourage articles on:

- Entrepreneurship and its relation to human resource management, and
relations concerning human resources in entrepreneurial organizations.
- Creative business ideas, human resources and entrepreneurship.
- Importance of human resources in new venture creations.
- Interfaces between technological innovation issues and human resource
- Knowledge, learning, and skills for entrepreneurs and SMEs.
- Human resources in the franchising sector.
- Managerial competences (knowledge, skills and attitudes) in new
- Human resource management in the family-owned businesses.
- Social entrepreneurship.
- Human relations in the entrepreneurial not-for-profit sector.
- Implications of human resource management in the entrepreneurial
- Educational entrepreneurship of human resources.
- Human resources in small businesses.
- Psychological and cognitive aspects of entrepreneurs in the global
economy around the world (even in transitory economies).
- Leadership in entrepreneurial organizations.
- Collective entrepreneurship.
- Specific human resource management practices that organizations need
to utilize to achieve entrepreneurship.
- Interdisciplinary approaches to the study of entrepreneurship and
human resource management.

The above list is not intended to be exhaustive. The co-editors of the
special issue encourage authors to contribute other papers consistent
with the theme outlined in this call for papers.  Papers can be theory
or research-focused empirical articles and case studies. A section of
the paper must address the implications for general HR theory and the
practice of HRM.


Schuler, R.S. (1986). Fostering and facilitating entrepreneurship in
organizations: Implications for organization structure and human
resource management practices. Human Resource Management, 25, 607-629. 

Manuscript Submission and Review

Papers intended for the HR Science Forum will undergo a rigorous,
double-blind review process to ensure relevance and quality. Papers
suited for the HR Leadership Forum (more practitioner-focused case
studies, etc.) will be single-blind reviewed by subject matter experts.
Please see HRM's Publishing Cues for a complete description of each
section.  Submitted papers must also follow the HRM Style Guidelines,
found at

The deadline for submitting papers is September 30, 2008.  Questions
about content and ideas should be directed to the guest co-editors noted
above.  All logistical questions about submitting and review should be
directed to Managing Editor Leslie Wilhelm at lwilhelm at

Manuscripts must be submitted electronically using the Journal's
web-based submission and review website called Manuscript Central:  Electronic submission through
Manuscript Central is required.  Manuscript Central is configured to be
very intuitive; therefore, you should have little difficulty creating an
account and submitting your manuscript. The online system will guide you
through each step of the process.

When submitting through Manuscript Central, please submit the following
1. Document 1:  A "blind" copy of your manuscript.  Delete all author
identification from this primary document. This document may include
your tables and figures, or you may include tables and figures in a
separate document.
2. Document 2:  Submit a separate document with information that would
typically appear on the document's title page (author names, addresses,
affiliations, contact information, etc.).  This document may also
include author biographies.

In addition:
- Answer "Yes" to the question regarding special issue submission and
clearly label your submission for the "Special Issue on Entrepreneurship
and HR in the Global Economy" in the text box provided.
- Include a paragraph in your cover letter specifically identifying how
the paper fits within the special issue theme.
- Direct logistical questions about submitting your manuscript through
Manuscript Central to Managing Editor Leslie Wilhelm at
lwilhelm at or 734-763-0785.

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