POSITIONS: University of New South Wales - Australian School of Business

entrepreneurship-phd at lists.uni-due.de entrepreneurship-phd at lists.uni-due.de
Fri Jun 27 12:31:28 MESZ 2008

The School of Strategy and Entrepreneurship (formerly the General
Management Group at the Australian Graduate School of Management) seeks
to fill a one senior faculty position or junior level position in
Strategic Management or Entrepreneurship.  Candidates with an
international orientation to their research are also encouraged to
apply.  Although we prefer to fill the position at the Full Professor
level we will also consider strong candidates at more junior levels.
Potential senior colleagues should possess a proven capacity to publish
their research consistently in tier-1 refereed journals, to provide
leadership for junior faculty and doctoral students in strategy and
entrepreneurship, and to teach students in a leading business school.
Junior scholars are expected to have the potential to develop a quality
research program and have the desire to play on a global stage.  Junior
position applicants are expected to have recently completed their PhD or
to be in the position to complete that degree by the time they take up
the position. 

The Australian School of Business at UNSW was recently formed as a union
of the AGSM and Faculty of Commerce and Economics at the University of
New South Wales. The school, located in Sydney with an MBA program in
Hong Kong, is the premier business school in Australia, and a leader in
management research and graduate education throughout Asia and Oceania.
We offer a range of graduate programs, including full-time and executive
MBA's, a Master of Commerce, a doctoral program, and we are quite active
in executive education. Forbes Magazine recently rated us as the fifth
best non-US business school in the world. Our full time MBA program is
ranked within the world's top 50 business schools by the Financial Times
and our EMBA is ranked 23rd in the world, which includes a research
ranking of 28. 

The School of Strategy and Entrepreneurship's faculty is internationally
recognized for its research excellence. Over the last few years, we have
published consistently in such leading journals as Academy of Management
Review, Strategic Management Journal, Organization Science, Research
Policy, Industrial and Corporate Change, Journal of International
Business Studies, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization,
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Harvard Business
Review, and California Management Review.  Faculty have also published
prize winning books. Current members of the strategy group include:
Timothy Devinney (PhD Chicago), Graham Dowling (PhD UNSW), Geoff
Eagleson (PhD Sydney), Shayne Gary (PhD London), Anna Gunnthorsdottir
(PhD Arizona), Elizabeth Maitland (PhD Melbourne), J Peter Murmann (PhD
Columbia) (Head of School), Peter Moran (PhD Insead), Salih Ozdemir (PhD
Chicago), Yue Wang (PhD Melbourne), and Phil Yetton (PhD CMU). 

We have no dominant philosophical orientation and would consider
candidates for any position (junior or senior) with strong training in
strategy, entrepreneurship, economics, psychology, sociology, innovation
studies and other related disciplines.  Candidates with a less direct
'management' orientation with a desire to move into management
applications of basic disciplinary approaches will also be considered. 

The remuneration package is globally competitive and teaching loads are
very attractive for supporting research productivity.  Teaching loads
generally offer the opportunity to spend half the year in undisturbed
research activities, with the potential of a sabbatical break after only
three years of employment.

Sydney is recognized as one of the most livable, beautiful, and vibrant
cities on the planet. (For photos of the city and the region, go to
http://professor-murmann.net/pictures/australia/).   Sydney plays a
major part in Australia's economy, accounting for over 25% of
Australia's total economic activity. The city is Australia's undisputed
financial centre, with 65% of Australia's finance industry located here,
including the Reserve Bank, the Australian Stock Exchange and the Sydney
Futures Exchange. Of the nation's top 100 companies, 60% have
headquarters in Sydney. Financial and business services accounts for
47.1% of the city's workforce. Multinationals with Asian-Pacific
headquarters in Sydney include 3M, American Express, AMP, Boral Ltd, BT,
Coca-Cola Amatil, Compuserve, HJ Heinz, IBM, Microsoft, Mastercard,
Price Waterhouse Coopers, TNT Ltd and Unilever. Sydney was also recently
named by the LA Times as the world's most innovative city with respect
to culinary arts and those with a penchant for wine, opera, sailing and
any of a host of other activities need look no further than their front

The positions are open immediately and will remain open until filled.
For more information, please visit our web site at
Interested senior applicants should send their CV and the names of three
referees or completed letters of reference (electronically).  Interested
junior candidates should also include a representative working paper.   

Please send all materials to the attention of Professor Timothy Devinney
at recruiting at strategy-and-entrepreneurship.net. 

Members of the faculty will be at the AIB, AOM and SMS conferences and
please feel free to discuss this with us directly. 

Prof. Timothy Devinney
AGSM Professorial Research Fellow
Australian School of Business
UNSW Sydney NSW 2052 Australia

Web 1 (Academic): http://www.agsm.edu.au/tdevinney
Web 2 (China Related): http://vincitveritas.spaces.live.com/

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