CFP: International Entrepreneurship (SEJ)

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Tue May 6 09:47:38 MESZ 2008

Call for Papers for a Special Issue of Strategic Entrepreneurship

Submission Due Date: December 31, 2008
Guest Editors:
Douglas Cumming, York University
Donald Siegel, University at Albany, SUNY
Mike Wright, Nottingham University Business School

SEJ Advising Editor
Harry J. Sapienza, University of Minnesota


Entrepreneurship is increasingly viewed as a key determinant of firm,
regional, and national economic performance.  To enhance competitive
advantage, national and regional governments in many countries have
implemented programs and regulatory changes to stimulate
entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial governance. Not surprisingly, there
is a growing, but nascent, academic literature on the managerial and
policy implications of international entrepreneurship.

As in other embryonic fields of research, numerous topics in
international entrepreneurship remain to be explored.  These include the
critical issue of how to synthesize the diverse streams of policy and
strategy research.  A central challenge is to build on existing
theoretical and empirical evidence on environmental and strategic
factors influencing international entrepreneurship, such as
institutional, regulatory, industry, and national characteristics.
Furthermore, our knowledge of the "strategic" aspects of international
entrepreneurship also merits expansion and refinement. We need more
research on the internationalization of new ventures, as well as the
antecedents and performance consequences of specific functional,
business, and corporate strategies.
A major goal of this special issue is to help establish a comprehensive
framework for studying international entrepreneurship.

Research Questions
Some research questions that contributors to the special issue might
address are:

* How do government policies impact incentives to form strategic
alliances among entrepreneurial firms in domestic versus foreign
* What is the role of laws and public policy in stimulating
transnational and returning entrepreneurs?
* What is the role of social networks in international entrepreneurship?
* What factors lead to the success of immigrant entrepreneurs in
different countries?
* What is the interaction between public policy and foreign investment
in entrepreneurial ventures?
* What explains international differences in governmental policies
regarding intellectual property, entrepreneurship, and entrepreneurial
* How does international entrepreneurship affect firm performance?
* How important is product and geographic focus for entrepreneurial
success within different public policy settings?
* What are the implications of corporate entrepreneurship for
multinational companies?
* How do corporate governance regulations impact international
* How do venture capitalists and private equity firms make decisions in
an international context, including the decision to make cross-border
investments and how to enter international markets?
* What is the role of academic entrepreneurship in various nations? Is
their convergence or divergence in policies to stimulate academic
* How do universities stimulate international technology transfer and
* What is the relative importance of patenting, licensing, and
property-based institutions, such as science parks and incubators in
stimulating entrepreneurship in various nations?

Papers on related issues not explicitly listed above are also welcome.

Submission and Review Process
The deadline for submissions is December 31, 2008.  All papers will be
externally reviewed according to standard policies of Strategic
Entrepreneurship Journal.

Conference Details and Time Line
To aid in the development of papers, a special issue conference will be
held at the Schulich School of Business, York University, in Toronto,
Canada on April 17-18, 2009.  Accommodation and meals will be provided
for all authors and discussants attending the conference.  Financial
support will be provided by the Schulich School of Business, York
University, the School of Business at the University at Albany, and the
Nottingham University Business School.

December 31, 2008       Deadline for electronic submission of papers to
the SEJ special issue

March 15, 2009  Deadline for notification to authors regarding
acceptance to the
SEJ Special Issue Conference
April 17-18, 2009       SEJ Special Issue Conference at York University
Late September 2009     Final decisions on papers for SEJ Special Issue

More Information
For additional information, please contact the special issue editors:

* Douglas Cumming, Schulich School of Business, York University,
dcumming at
* Donald Siegel, School of Business, University at Albany, SUNY,
DSiegel at
* Mike Wright, Nottingham University Business School,
Mike.Wright at
* Harry Sapienza, Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota,
sapienza at

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