CFP: Entrepreneurship: A Multidisciplinary Topic (CJAS)

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Mon Apr 14 14:10:08 CEST 2008

Call for Papers - Revue canadienne des sciences de l'administration / Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences
Entrepreneurship: A Multidisciplinary Topic
Deadline for Submission: August 30, 2008

Guest co-Editor: Prof. Dr. Domingo Ribeiro Soriano
Facultad de Economía, Universitat de València
Edificio Departamental Oriental, Campus de los Naranjos
46022 Valencia, Spain
Fax: +34963828333
E-mail: domingo.ribeiro at

Guest co-Editor: Prof. Dra. Ángeles Montoro-Sánchez
Departamento de Organización de Empresas
Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales,
Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Campus de Somosaguas
28223 Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid, Spain
Tel: +34 913942502
E-mail: mangeles at

Entrepreneurship constitutes an area of study within business administration and management that has undergone unbound development in recent decades and, despite coming under increasingly close scrutiny, has the potential for new research for many years to come (Zahra, 2007). However, despite untold efforts at studying entrepreneurial behaviour, more research is still needed in order to improve its operativity via appropriate measurements and indicators. This can be achieved by exploring underlying processes and recognizing the multidimensional and configurative nature of the processes of entrepreneurial decision-making and their outcomes. (Dess, Lumpkin and Covin, 1997). Similar to the 80s and 90s, there are currently no systematic, rigorous models for examining entrepreneurial processes. Although the context of entrepreneurial initiative offers an excellent framework for empirical research, this field needs greater study to establish its legitimacy and distinctive contribution.

Studying entrepreneurial initiative on this level requires differentiation between two types of action: those based on firm creation and those that analyze the entrepreneurial behaviour of existing firms. The former, which are older and more traditional, focus on the characteristics and behaviour of firm owners and analyze the creation of new organizations. The latter study entrepreneurial initiative at a corporate or firm level defined via innovation, the creation or entry into new national or foreign businesses, and the processes of strategic renewal (Zahra et al. 2000).

Within the field of business administration and management, the integration of theory and empirical research on strategic management with entrepreneurial initiative could aid in developing the necessary research paradigm and enrich both the field of entrepreneurship and that of strategic management due to how well the two topics complement each other (Ireland, Hitt and Sirmon, 2003).

This Special Issue addresses the theme of entrepreneurship in a wide sense, including both new firm creation and entrepreneurial behaviour in large consolidated firms. Papers can be from different theoretical perspectives and use different empirical methods, such as large scale survey work and archival databases, but must constitute fresh work, that genuinely advances existing debates.

Recommended topics include:
- Theoretical integrative and interdisciplinary models of entrepreneurship
- Entrepreneurship & strategic management
- Entrepreneurship & corporate governance
- Corporate entrepreneurship & organizational change
- Corporate Culture & corporate entrepreneurship
- Determining factors for the success of new ventures
- Human Resource Management practices that enable/hinder corporate entrepreneurship
- Entrepreneurship & intellectual Capital
- Entrepreneurship & social network models
- Entrepreneurship & MNE
- Entrepreneurship & SME internationalization
- Characteristics of production systems in newly created firms
- Entrepreneurship & innovation

Consideration will be given to both theoretical and empirical papers for this special issue and is not restricted to Canadian content or data. The format of papers should not exceed 40 pages including references, tables, and figures. All papers should conform to American Psychological Association (APA format) guidelines.

Please email submissions to cjas at to the attention of the guest editors and indicate in the subject heading that the submission is intended for the Special issue on human resource management for the new and challenging environment in SMEs. All submitted papers to CJAS will undergo a "double-blind" peer review. If a topic of an article does not fit with the special issue, the author(s) will be contacted to determine if the paper should be forwarded to the review process for a regular CJAS issue. Both French and English papers will be accepted for review.

is celebrating its 25th anniversary in 2008, is an ISI listed journal (search ISSN - 0825-0383), and is published by Wiley-Blackwell. Papers accepted for publication will be accessible electronically from the Wiley-InterScience Platform, as well as appear in the hard print of the journal.

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