POSITIONS: Delft University of Technology

entrepreneurship-phd at lists.uni-due.de entrepreneurship-phd at lists.uni-due.de
Tue Apr 8 13:28:43 CEST 2008

5 PhD Students in Entrepreneurship
Delft, (Zuid-Holland), 38 hours per week Delft University of Technology
Job description
We are looking for five PhD students to reinforce our research programme
in the field of entrepreneurship. The doctoral projects connect to and
reinforce the TPM research programmes Innovations Systems, Reflection on
Technology and Multi-Actor Systems. The projects address the following
subjects: A) Networking by Academic Spin-offs as a Critical Success
Factor: This project aims to identify the character of and critical
changes in supportive networks of academic spin-offs at different
stages, and to connect these changes with firm performance in terms of
innovativeness and growth. B) Universities of Technology and
Entrepreneurs forming a Knowledge Network: Using social network
analysis, this project examines how knowledge exchange between technical
universities and regional entrepreneurs takes place and is transformed
into innovation. C) Academic Entrepreneurship and Academic Productivity:
This project focuses on the impact of university-industry collaboration
on the productivity and quality of university research output. D)
Personality and Entrepreneurship: This project focuses on the
relationship between specific personal characteristics of entrepreneurs
and entrepreneurial success. E) Socially Responsible Innovation and
Entrepreneurship: This project investigates the social and ethical
aspects of scientific and technological innovations.

University Graduate
We seek ambitious individuals with a Master's degree who want to write a
PhD thesis in the field of entrepreneurship. Depending on the PhD
position, candidates will have a background in either economics, or in
one of the social-technical sciences, especially business
administration, public administration, psychology or philosophy. Your
educational record should include courses in (quantitative) research
methods and design methodology. Good social and communication skills are
a requirement for these posts, as part of the research will involve
participation in team-based projects.

Delft University of Technology Technology, Policy & Management
Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) is a multifaceted institution
offering education and carrying out research in the technical sciences
at an internationally recognized level. Education, research and design
are strongly oriented towards applicability. TU Delft develops
technologies for future generations, focusing on sustainability, safety
and economic vitality. At TU Delft you will work in an environment where
technical sciences and society converge. TU Delft comprises eight
faculties, unique laboratories, research institutes and schools.

Conditions of employment
Estimated maximum salary per month: eur 2500 - 3000

Maximum salary amount in Euro's a month 2558
Employment basis: Temporary for specified period
Duration of the contract: Four years
Maximum hours per week: 38

Additional conditions of employment:
TU Delft offers an attractive benefits package, including a flexible
work week, free high-speed Internet access from home, and the option of
assembling a customized compensation and benefits package (the 'IKA').
Salary and benefits are in accordance with the Collective Labour
Agreement for Dutch Universities.For more information about this
position, please contact Martijn Kuit, phone: +31 (0)15-2781906, e-mail:
m.kuit at tudelft.nl. To apply, please e-mail a detailed CV along with a
letter of application before 1 May , 2008 to Delft University of
Technology, Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management, P&O
department, attn. Mrs. M. Koning, P.O. Box 5015, 2600 GA Delft. Or by
email, send your application to: vacature-tbm at tudelft.nl. When applying
for this position, make sure to mention vacancy number ATTBM08-005.

Additional Information
Additional information about the vacancy can be obtained from:

Martijn Kuit/DCE
Telephone number: +31 (0)15-2781906
E-mail address: m.kuit at tudelft.nl
Or additional information can be obtained through one of the following

    * About the organization
    * Technische Universiteit Delft

You can apply for this job before 01-05-2008 by sending your application

Mirjam Koning, P&O Office
E-mail address: vacature-tbm at tudelft.nl

When applying for this job always mention the vacancy number

More info at

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