POSITIONS: Maastricht University

entrepreneurship-phd at lists.uni-due.de entrepreneurship-phd at lists.uni-due.de
Wed Feb 27 15:02:36 CET 2008

The department of Organisation and Strategy of Maastricht University,
the Netherlands, has three to four vacancies for PhD-students. The broad
areas of research of the department include organization studies,
empirical industrial organisation, strategic management, international
business strategy, cross-cultural management, labour economics and
entrepreneurship. In particular members of the department are
specialized in research topics like the performance of management teams
in organizations, human resource management, time management, family
business, mergers and acquisitions, alliances, innovation, market
dynamics and labor & capital adjustment decisions at the firm level.

The PhD-positions are financed for a period of four years. The
PhD-students receive courses through METEOR, the accredited research
school of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration. The
PhD-position also includes a period abroad, at a high-quality European
or U.S. university. Gross salaries start at 2000 euros per month and
amount to 2558 euros per month in the final year. In addition, there is
holiday and end-of-year allowance and compensation for moving expenses.
Applicants should have an upcoming Master's degree (MSC, MPHIL) in
Business Administration, Economics, Quantitative Economics, Psychology
or Sociology with high grades. Applications including C.V. and a list of
courses and grades and one reference (for example course coordinator or
thesis supervisor) should be sent to Kitty van Straaten, email
k.vanstraaten at os.unimaas.nl before March 23, 2008. More information on
the department of Organisation and Strategy, see www.fdewb.unimaas.nl/os

More info at http://www.eiasm.org/documents/JMW/opening/375.pdf

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