ANNOUNCE: AMA Marketing and Entrepreneurship SIG International Marketing and Entrepreneurship Doctoral Consortium

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Tue Feb 26 15:05:44 CET 2008

FROM: Javier Monllor [mailto:jmonll2 at] 
DATE: Wed 13 Feb 2008 22:18

AMA Marketing and Entrepreneurship SIG International Marketing and 
Entrepreneurship Doctoral Consortium

Sponsored by:

Swedish Business School at Örebro University
Georgia Southern University
The Kaufmann Foundation
Michigan State University, Center for International Business Education 
and Research
Missouri Southern State University
Syracuse University
University of Illinois-Chicago
University of St. Thomas
Worcester Polytechnic Institute

We are pleased to invite you to nominate your doctoral students who are researching marketing and entrepreneurship to the American Marketing Association //International Marketing and Entrepreneurship SIG Doctoral Consortium//. This special interest group of the AMA has a long history of partnership with the annual UIC Marketing and Entrepreneurship Research Symposium. At this year's Research Symposium, we are instituting a consortium for doctoral students to encourage and guide students who are considering or are researching the intersecting domains of marketing and entrepreneurship. This consortium will be held in Stockholm, Sweden, June 14-16, 2008. The deadline to submit nominations is April 1, 2008. Please email your nominations to Glenn S. Omura at omura at

Doctoral students selected for the consortium will have their Symposium fees waived, have complimentary meals during the official portion of the Consortium and the Symposium, and have a portion of their hotel expenses subsidized. Nominations should have the following attachments:

* A letter of recommendation from you
* A letter of interest from the nominee
* The nominee's vita

The nomination packets will be reviewed for acceptance by the Consortium Chairs, Claes Hultman (Swedish Business School) and Gerry Hills (University of Illinois-Chicago).

A summary of the preliminary program follows.

*June 14, 2008 AMA Marketing and Entrepreneurship International Doctoral Consortium*

12:00 - 12:30 Opening luncheon

12:30 - 13:15 Official Welcoming Remarks

13:15 - 14:30 The International Faculty Panel on Research Opportunities in M&E

14:30 - 15:00 Break and opportunity to interact with the Faculty

15:00 - 16:30 International Faculty Panel on Methodological Approaches for Marketing & Entrepreneurship Research

16:30 - 16:15 Break

16:15 - 17:30 International Faculty Panel on Career Management

17:30 - Individual discussions with Faculty

19:30 *The UIC International Research Symposium on Marketing and Entrepreneurship Welcome Reception** **for the Research Symposium*

*June 15-16 The UIC International Research Symposium on Marketing and Entrepreneurship*

The Research Symposium will have a portion of its official program reserved for participation by the doctoral consortium students. It should be observed that this event is separate from the annual AMA Marketing Doctoral Consortium and the attendance of your nominee at the Stockholm gathering will not lead to disqualification from the U.S.-based program.

Please feel free to forward this announcement to other faculty who may be working with qualified doctoral students.

Glenn Omura
AMA Marketing and Entrepreneurship SIG Chair

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