REMINDER: Business Models and Human Capital (IJEIM)

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Fri Feb 1 17:02:22 CET 2008

Call For Papers - International Journal of Entrepreneurship and
Innovation Management  (IJEIM)
Special Issue on: "Business Models and Human Capital; Current Issues and
New Challenges"
Guest Editor: Jovo Ateljevic, University Stirling, UK
Deadline: 15 February, 2008

Competition today is more between business models than between products.
Therefore, for the firm, the choice for a specific business model is an
important strategic decision. Business model invention, development and
adaptation, is a core competence for entrepreneurial and sustainable
business. In a global knowledge- based economy, understanding of
emerging business models has become a great asset for any business.

An increasingly dynamic business environment creates new business
conditions and new challenges for entrepreneurs and managers. Electronic
communications, for example, have given rise to a number of new business
models as well as modification of traditional ones; new models have been
developed in various forms across different industries. The new kind of
business model is built around information flows and the mobilisation of
the knowledge resource in every part of the organisation. As a result,
human capital, which consists of individuals' intellectual capacity, is
the most valuable asset for the new business model which is not only
economically sustainable but socially and environmentally responsible.

Despite its common use and general understanding, the business model and
related issues have largely escaped the scrutiny of critical scholars
and researchers. The link between the business model and human capital
is particularly weak in the existing literature. This is the focus of
this special issue.

Subject Coverage

Potential topics / questions suitable for review articles include but
are not limited are:

* Conceptual understanding of business model that goes beyond the
context of e-business.
* What drives the business value chain?
* Why some business models do indeed perform better than others?
* What are the key elements of a business model innovation system?
* How are strategy, operations, engineering, and innovation linked into
a system that enables new business models being brought to market?
* How current management practices and current innovation practices
should be changed?
* What are the key structural factors and relationships that lead to
* Conceptual understanding of human capital and its role in creating
sustainable / responsible business models.
* Human capital development and processes that might lead to robust and
effective human capita capabilities.
* Human capital management and its measurement.

Notes for Intending Authors

Submitted papers should not have been previously published nor be
currently under consideration for publication elsewhere

All papers are refereed through a peer review process. A guide for
authors, sample copies and other relevant information for submitting
papers are available on the Author Guidelines page.

Editors and Notes

You may send one copy in the form of an MS Word file attached to an
e-mail (details in Author Guidelines) to the following:

Jovo Ateljevic
University of Stirling, UK
Management Department
Stirling FK9 4LA
Scotland, UK
Tel:+44 (0) 1786 467321
E-mail: jovo.ateljevic at

with a copy to:

IEL Editorial Office
E-mail: ijeim at

Please include in your submission the title of the Special Issue, the
title of the Journal and the name of the Guest Editor.

More info at

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