REMINDER: First International Conference on Social Entrepreneurship, Systems Thinking & Complexity

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Fri Feb 1 17:02:24 CET 2008

Call For Papers: Social Entrepreneurship, Systems Thinking & Complexity
Conference and Special Issue
Deadline: February 15, 2008

Adelphi University & The Institute for the Study of Coherence and
Emergence (ISCE) publishers of Emergence: Complexity and Organization

The First International Conference on Social Entrepreneurship, Systems
Thinking & Complexity

April 24-26, 2008

Adelphi University, Garden City, New York USA (Just outside of Manhattan
near JFK Airport)

Within the arena of social entrepreneurship there is no theoretical
framework to describe the systemic dimensions at work. Recent advances
in the sciences of complex systems offer great promise as one way of
providing a more thorough understanding and grounding for the field.
Indeed, the need for a complexity theoretical perspective that goes
beyond current linear and equilibrium-based models is noted in the most
recent guidelines for applications for funding in the area of social
entrepreneurship programs.  

This conference will bring together leading thinkers in complexity
theory, social entrepreneurship, social innovation, and leadership
research to gain a better understanding of the state of knowledge in
these vital areas. This conference provides a unique opportunity to not
only further understanding but also to make a difference. 

Selected papers at the conference will be published in a special issue
of the journal Emergence: Complexity and Organization (E:CO) and will
also be included in an edited book to be published in 2008. We invite
theoretical analyses, suggestions for empirical studies, and/or
practitioner-based approaches, and we are particularly receptive to
collaborative efforts that span different academic disciplines or fields
and that introduce new methodologies or approaches.  Two types of
submissions are requested: academic papers (an extended abstract is
okay) and proposals for panels or symposia. 

Due date for academic submissions is February 15, 2008; panel proposals
are March 10, 2008.

For more information contact Jim Hazy hazy at or for a detailed
CFP go to:

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