CFP: 3rd SMU Edge Conference

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Wed Oct 17 13:08:46 CEST 2007

3rd SMU EDGE CONFERENCE "Bridging the Gap Entrepreneurship in Theory and
9th - 11th July 08
Conference venue: Singapore Management University, Singapore
Deadline: 15 March 2008


Abstracts are invited in all areas of entrepreneurship including:
* Business Incubation
* Characteristics of Entrepreneurs
* Corporate Entrepreneurship
* Drivers of Entrepreneurship
* Entrepreneurial Financing
* Entrepreneurial Opportunity
* Gender Issues in Entrepreneurship
* Networks and Entrepreneurship
* New Venture Strategy
* Policy Issues in Entrepreneurship
* Ethics of Entrepreneurship
* Entrepreneurial Process: From Creation to Growth
* Entrepreneurship in International Contexts
* Entrepreneurship Practice
* Entrepreneurship Theory
* Ethnic Entrepreneurship
* Family Firms
* Managing Entrepreneurial Firms
* Venture Capital Industry
* Start-Up Strategy
* Technological Entrepreneurship

Submission of abstracts (500-700 words) - 15 March 2008
Acceptance notification - 15 April 2008
Submission of Full paper - 1 June 2008

Conference Registration
Early Bird S$600
Regular S$ 700
Before 10 May 08
No refund After 20 June 08

For more information: email EDGE at

Conference Organising Committee
Tan Wee Liang (Chair)
Choi Youngrok (Co-Chair)
Pang Eng Fong
Raj Komaran
Toru Yoshikawa

Technical Committee
Yoo So Jin (Chair)
Choi Youngrok
Toru Yoshikawa
Ted Tschang
Burkhard Schrage
Gilbert Tan

Journals Associated with the Conference

Journal of Enterprising Culture: Papers presented at the conference will
be considered for publication in the Journal of Enterprising Culture. 

Management and Organization Review: Papers presented at the conference
on "Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship in China" will be
considered for a special issue.

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