POSITIONS: Queen's University Belfast

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Tue Sep 11 10:56:43 CEST 2007

Queen's University Belfast

POSITION : Teaching Fellows (2 posts)
SCHOOL/DEPARTMENT : School of Management and Economics
REFERENCE NO : 07/100087
CLOSING DATE : 4.00pm Friday 21 September 2007
SALARY : £30,012 - £35,837 per annum (including contribution points)


To deliver entrepreneurship education across designated Faculties of the University, in particular the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences. The posts are available for 18 months in the first instance.


Scholary Activity:
Engage in scholarly activity e.g. participate in conferences, external funding applied for, book reviews and teaching/professional materials published. Develop networking links with relevant professional bodies to ensure that own teaching reflects current best practice in own area of subject specialism. Maintain and develop teaching and subject expertise.

Deliver a range of teaching and assessment activities in the subject within an established programme including lectures, setting/marking coursework, practicals, and field work to undergraduates and postgraduates. Select appropriate assessment instruments and criteria, assess the work and progress of students by reference to the criteria and provide constructive feedback to students. Seek ways of improving performance by reflecting on teaching design and delivery and obtaining and analysing feedback. Supervise practical work where it is part of the course, and advise students on techniques. Plan and develop independent teaching contributions and contribute to the design or revision of course units. Help to develop appropriate teaching approaches and contribute to curriculum development.

Administration/Contribution to the Community:
Contribute to the School's outreach strategy by developing external links. Provide pastoral care for students within own area to ensure, as far as practicable, that relevant issues are dealt with in a timely, sympathetic and effective manner. Carry out designated routine School administrative duties, including, for example, committee work, course administration, etc.. Be responsible for the record-keeping associated with teaching and the preparation of teaching materials.

Planning and Organising:
Plan and manage own teaching and tutorials as agreed with Head of School/mentor. Modules are designed/updated in line with School's teaching strategy.

Resource Management Responsibilities:
Use teaching resources, laboratories and workshops as required. Act as mentor for students.

Internal and External Relationships:
Membership of the School Board and Examination Board and such committees relevant to their administrative duties. Collaborate with other staff within School. Involved in developing links or joining external networks to share information and ideas. Contribute to the School's outreach programme by establishing links with local community groups, industries, etc.

1. Good first degree (minimum 2.1 honours or equivalent).
2. Evidence of ability to engage in scholarly activity e.g. participate in conferences, external funding applied for, book reviews and teaching/professional materials published.
3. Teaching experience in a third level institution.
4. Experience of developing teaching,learning, and assessment materials at undergraduate level.
5. Demonstrate ability to establish appropriate business contacts.
6. An interest in developing interdisciplinary contacts across Faculties.
7. High level of oral and written communication.
8. Logical mind.
9. Balanced judgement.
10. Evidence of ability to work independently and as part of a team.
11. Must demonstrate commitment to the development of high quality teaching,learning, and assessment materials.

1. PhD in a relevant field.
2. Teaching experience in the area of Entrepreneurship in a third level institution.
3. Experience of developing teaching, learning and assessment materials at postgraduate level.

The Summary Sheet should be completed and returned with your curriculum vitae. The Equal Opportunities Form should also be completed and returned.
In customising your application details to our vacant post you should read the Job Details and criteria. You must demonstrate clearly and unambiguously how your experience and research background meets the requirements of the post. This should include a statement of published work and of research in progress.
It should be clear from your curriculum vitae what qualifications are held, when and where they were (or are to be) awarded, and what the subjects of the degrees and any dissertations are. Where applicants offer a higher degree that is not yet completed, the University may seek a status report from the institution in which the study is based. Applicants who possess a primary or higher degree not awarded under the UK classification system must submit transcripts of their degree awards, so that the Panel may assess if they have the equivalent level of qualification.
You submit your application by revisiting www.qub.ac.uk/jobs and clicking on Submit Application against the job you wish to apply for. Enter your email address (and confirm it), then use the Browse button to locate the forms on your computer and click Submit to email your application to the Personnel Department at Queen's. You must submit your application within the advertising period as the job will not be displayed on the Jobs page after the closing date and time has lapsed.
Alternatively post your application to The Director of Human Resources, The Personnel Department, Queen's University Belfast, Northern Ireland, BT7 1NN (Tel: 028 9097 3044, Fax: 028 9097 1040). You should note that the University does not normally consider applications that are received after the closing date. You should also note that where post, fax or e-mail services are used, the onus for ensuring receipt in the PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT by the closing date and time rests with the applicant.

The recruitment Panel will not have access to the monitoring information you have completed and it will not be used in the selection procedure.

More info at http://www.qub.ac.uk/sites/QUBJobVacancies/JobDetails/?vac_no=07/100087&ref=07/100087

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