ANNOUNCE: The IEEE International Engineering Management Conference IEMC-Europe2008

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Wed Sep 5 08:45:11 CEST 2007

FROM: Rui Baptista [mailto:rui.baptista at]
DATE: Mo 03.09.2007 21:46

Call for Papers


The IEEE International Engineering Management Conference IEMC-Europe 2008

June 28-30, 2008, Estoril, Portugal <> 


(Submission deadline:  January 25, 2008)



The IEEE Technology Management Council (formerly known as the Engineering Management Society) and the IEMC-Europe 2008 Conference Committee invite full paper contributions from researchers, educators, managers and students of engineering management on the theme Managing Engineering, Technology and Innovation for Growth. Contributions may be conceptual, theoretical or experimental. They should be the result of research activity, case studies or best practices, must shed light on the theory or practice of engineering, technology or innovation management and consider the strategic objective of economic growth.


Topics include:

1-  Decision Analysis (1.1- Decision Analysis with Multiple Criteria; 1.2- Decision Analysis Tools for Risk Assessment, Management, and Communication; 1.3- Decision Analysis for Public Decision-Making).

2-  Technological Change and Management of Innovation (2.1- Innovation and Productivity Growth; 2.2- Technology-based Entrepreneurship; 2.3- Managing Organisational Change; 2.4- Technological Foresight).

3-  Operations and Supply Chain Management (3.1- Operations and Supply Chain Optimization; 3.2- Environmental Issues and Sustainable Operations; 3.3- Close Loop Supply Chains).

4-  Cross-functional Emerging Domains (4.1- Actor Networks and Collaborative Models; 3.2- Organizational Learning and Knowledge Management; 3.3- Education in Engineering Management).


Submission of Papers:

Papers, in final form, should be written in English, have a maximum of five pages and use the format prescribed in TRANS-JOUR.doc <> .  Each paper should mention the name and number of Topic and Sub-Topic within which it is submitted.  Papers will be blind reviewed.


Important Dates:

Papers submission deadline    25th January 2008 

Notification of acceptance          28th April 2008 

Early registration deadline              8th May 2008

Normal registration deadline         23rd May 2008

Conference dates                      28-30th June 2008



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