CFP: Entrepreneurial Teams (MRN)

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Mon Jun 4 17:35:44 CEST 2007

From: Sascha Kraus [mailto:sascha.kraus at] 
Date: Sat 2 Jun 2007 18:19

Management Research News - Call for Papers
Special Issue on "Entrepreneurial Teams"
Edited by: Professor Sascha Kraus, Salzburg University of Applied
Sciences (sascha.kraus at, and Professor Leon Schjoedt,
Illinois State University (leon.schjoedt at

Relevancy and Importance of the Topic

The entrepreneurial team is the heart of a new venture. Research shows
that teams start a significant number of new ventures, or a team is
created within the first years of start up. Research also shows there is
a strong association between venture success and team-created ventures.
Despite this, relatively little research has been conducted on
entrepreneurial teams, but moreover predominantly concentrates on single
founder persons ("the entrepreneur"). In response to these shortcomings,
this special issue of Management Research News will be devoted to
advancing research on entrepreneurial teams.

A list of suggested topics areas: A list of suggested topics includes
but is not limited to the following:
* Entrepreneurial team formation and change processes
* Entrepreneurial team performance
* Entrepreneurial team influence on venture performance and growth
* Power and politics in entrepreneurial teams
* Communication in entrepreneurial teams
* Bisociation and the entrepreneurial team
* Composition of entrepreneurial team
* Entrepreneurial team satisfaction
* Intra-team processes in the entrepreneurial team
* Entrepreneurial team and the external environment
* The entrepreneurial team as a top management team
* Entrepreneurial team viability and change
* Human and social capital of the entrepreneurial team
* Collective learning of the entrepreneurial team
* Entrepreneurial team functioning and processes
* Entrepreneurial team decision-making
* Entrepreneurial team conflict

Empirical approaches, case studies, analytical modeling, and
conceptual/theoretical papers are all encouraged. Management Research
News is a peer reviewed academic journal recently acquired by Emerald
Publishing and has been in publication for 30 years. Its emphasis is to
publish internationally focused management research studies focusing on
timely results and implications of the research, with rapid feedback and
turnaround time.


The journal website is located at: Please take a minute to read
through the author guidelines on this site before submitting your paper.
Electronic submissions through email to either or both Editors are


Deadline for Submission of Papers Jan. 1, 2008.
Notification of Acceptance March. 2008.
Final Papers Due June 2008.
Expected Publication Date Jan-Feb. 2009.

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