ANNOUNCE: SMS - Doctoral Workshop Call for Nominations

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Mon May 7 10:24:25 CEST 2007

Call for Nominations
Doctoral Workshop
Strategic Management Society Conference
San Diego, California
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Deadline: 1 June 2007

The Strategic Management Society is pleased to announce that it will
offer a Doctoral Workshop immediately preceding the Strategic Management
Society Conference in San Diego, California.  The Doctoral Workshop will
be held on Saturday, October 13, at the Sheraton Hotel, site of the SMS

We are also very pleased to announce that up to 25 scholarships funded
through the generous support of the Society for the Advancement of
Management Studies (owners of the Journal of Management Studies), will
be offered by competitive entry to students accepted for the Doctoral
Workshop.  The scholarships will cover costs of the Doctoral Workshop,
with all meals including a reception and dinner Saturday evening, as
well as a waiver of the SMS Conference Registration Fee.

The workshop will be led by Laurence Capron (INSEAD) and Jeff Reuer
(University of North Carolina).  The faculty panelists will include:
Harry Barkema (Tilburg University), Jay Barney (Ohio State University),
Ming-Jer Chen (University of Virginia), Gary Dushnitsky (University of
Pennsylvania), Duane Ireland (Texas A&M University), Marvin Lieberman
(UCLA), Will Mitchell (Duke University), Pinar Ozcan (IESE), Govert
Vroom (Purdue University), and Minyuan Zhao (University of Michigan).
Names of additional faculty members taking part in the workshop will be
made available in future correspondences as well as in announcements on
the Society's Web site. The Doctoral Workshop is intended for doctoral
students at the early stage of their dissertation research. The Workshop
will be highly interactive and will include panels on the future of
competitive strategy and corporate strategy, practical sessions on
developing dissertation proposals and launching academic careers, and a
meet-the-editors session.

Nominees must have completed the initial comprehensive examination and
coursework (or equivalent) of their doctoral program; preference will be
given to those just commencing the formal work on their doctoral topic.
Acceptance of a paper at the main Strategic Management Society
conference is not required, but attendance at that conference is

Application materials should include:
n     Nomination/recommendation letter from a faculty member (with
contact information), 
n     A one-page summary of the applicant's career to date, 
n     A 300-word description of the applicant's research interests, and 
n     The applicant's contact information (mail, telephone and email). 

Only one nominee per school will be accepted to the Doctoral Workshop;
schools should only nominate one student.  Other things being equal,
preference will be given to nominees 
n     Who are current members of the SMS,
n     Who have their nomination letter from a current member of the SMS,

n     Whose application materials are in the SMS Executive Office by
June 1, 2007.

All application materials should be e-mailed by June 1, 2007 to Theresa
Klassen in the SMS Executive Office (sms at with a
Subject line of "SMS Doctoral Workshop".  The Doctoral Workshop
Application Reviewer Committee's decisions will be sent to nominees by
June 25, 2007. 
Please contact 
Laurence Capron (Laurence.Capron at or Jeff Reuer
(reuer at if you have questions about this exciting opportunity.
We hope to see you in San Diego!

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