CFP: The role of entrepreneurship in the diffusion of information technology-enabled innovation (IJEBR)

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Tue Feb 13 09:57:11 CET 2007

International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research
Special issue call for papers 
The role of entrepreneurship in the diffusion of information
technology-enabled innovation
Deadline: 30 April 2007

The aim of this special edition is to provide fresh insights about the
role of entrepreneurship in the diffusion of information
technology-enabled innovation within and across firms.

Selected topics
* Articles investigating entrepreneurial activity contributing to the
diffusion of information technology-based innovation within and across
* Articles contrasting the advantages and disadvantages of bottom-up and
top-down approaches for the diffusion of IT-enabled innovation. 
* Articles investigating the interplay of policies, and strategic and
socio-organisational drivers and barriers for the adoption and diffusion
of IT-enabled innovation. 
* Articles investigating the network-and macro-level conditions linked
to entrepreneurial activity shaping the diffusion of information
technology-based innovation. 
* Articles depicting the role of different models of entrepreneurship in
shaping alternative diffusion scenarios of information
technology-enabled innovation.

Important dates

Manuscripts submission 	30 April 2007
Notification of acceptance 	31 July 2007
Final submission 	30 September 2007
Guest Editors

Dr Angel J. Salazar
Manchester Metropolitan University Business School,
Manchester, M1 3GH, United Kingdom,
a.salazar at
(Corresponding Editor)

Dr Sebastian Bruque
University of Jaen, Spain

Dr Irene Petrick
Penn State University, USA

More info at

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