TOC: Small Business Economics Vol. 28 #1

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Mon Jan 22 16:35:09 CET 2007

Table of Contents - Small Business Economics
Volume 28, Issue 1, 2007

What a Difference a Y makes-Female and Male Nascent Entrepreneurs in Germany
Joachim Wagner	
Pages 1 - 21

Are Small Innovators Credit Rationed?
Mark S. Freel
Pages 22 - 34

Effect of the Number of Banking Relationships on Credit Availability: Evidence from Panel Data of Spanish Small Firms
Ginés Hernández-Cánovas, Pedro Martínez-Solano
Pages 35 - 51

Taking Actively Advantage of MNCs' Presence
Chiara Di Guardo, Giovanni Valentini
Pages 52 - 65

Information Spillovers and the Choice of Export Destination: A Multinomial Logit Analysis of Spanish Young SMEs
Francisco Requena Silvente, Juana Castillo Giménez
Pages	66 - 83

Entrepreneurial Survival
Harald Strotmann
Pages 84 - 101

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