CFP: Entrepreneurship Education in the 21st Century (JSBED)

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Tue Sep 26 16:22:14 MESZ 2006

Call for Papers
Special Issue of The Journal of Small Business and Enterprise
Development (JSBED)
Topic: "Entrepreneurship Education in the 21st Century: Opportunities,
Obstacles and Observations."
Deadline: March 1, 2007

The past 25 years of focus on entrepreneurship education has presented
significant challenges for teachers and professors to create curricula
methods that meet or surpass student expectations. Present and potential
small business entrepreneurs who enroll in entrepreneurship courses seek
avenues to express latent creativity and innovativeness.  Since the
pioneering work of Schumpeter, the study of entrepreneurship and
development has aroused interest in both academic and professional
especially in regards to the dissemination of knowledge and skills
to act upon and develop entrepreneurial ventures and behaviors.  This
special issue of JSBED explores the opportunities, obstacles and
observations of researchers' teachers and scholars as entrepreneurship
education evolves in the 21st century.  The hope is that this issue
a seminal source of knowledge for the filed.

- Length: between 5,000 and 7,500 words generally no longer than 25
(including everything: tables, references, figures, etc.)
- Double-spaced with 1 inch margins, 12-point Times New Roman font.
- Follow APA (5th ed.) format.
All papers will be blind reviewed.

All papers required a:
Structured abstract
Research limitations/implications (if applicable)
Practical limitations (if applicable)
And the Originality/value of paper

Six key words which encapsulate the principal topics of the paper
Note: for more guidance, visit
Manuscripts should be submitted in electronic form by March 1, 2007 to:
gsolomon at

About the Journal

JSBED is a double blind refereed journal, currently in its 13th year of
publication. It publishes 4 issues of 10 articles a year (about 40
contributions).  Quality is of paramount importance to JSBED. The
of JSBED are as follows: on an international basis, to provide a bridge
between theory and practice of small business and enterprise
development, to
disseminate the results and findings of high quality research and best
practices, to assist and inform those responsible for the management of
and finally, to guide in the formulation, development, implementation
evaluation of enterprise policy

For inquiries contact:
George T. Solomon, D.B.A.		Director, Center For
Entrepreneurial Excellence
The George Washington University 		gsolomon at

George T. Solomon, D.B.A.
Associate Professor of Management
Director, Center For Entrepreneurial Excellence (CFEE)
Editor, Academy of Management Conference Proceedings
The George Washington University
2201 G Street NW
Funger Hall Suite 315
Washington, DC 20052
202 994-3760 voice
202 994-4930 fax

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