ANNOUNCE: 2nd BEPART Conference - New deadline for abstracts

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Fri Sep 1 09:57:41 MESZ 2006

From: Christoph Diensberg [mailto:christoph.diensberg at] 
Date: Tue 31 Aug 2006 22:52

New deadline for handing in abstracts to the 2nd BEPART conference: 15 Sept. 2006.

SECOND BEPART CONFERENCE - Towards Entrepreneurial Regions: 
"Universities & Innovation-Networks Challenged by the Knowledge Society"
26-27 October 2006 at Tartu University in Estonia

Conference website:

MAIN TOPICS of the CONFERENCE will cover:
·  Innovation Systems & university-industry-government relations;
·  Entrepreneurship education and training;
·  Entrepreneurial spirit, knowledge processes and learning in organizations;
·  Technology entrepreneurship and innovation (Technopreneurship);
·  Knowledge transfer, Spin-off processes and Entrepreneurial university;
·  Venture creation and entrepreneurial management

Abstracts, presentations and research papers are expected also address and build links to challenges of regional development outgoing from these topics. 

Contact address for abstracts and detailed conference info: Dr. Tõnis Mets, University of Tartu, Estonia  tonis.mets at and Ms. Janita Andrijevskaja, MA, Tartu University janita at 

Information on network operation BEPART (Baltic Entrepreneurship Partners):

Christoph Diensberg
University of Rostock
Economics and Business Education
BEPART Project Coordination
Ulmenstr. 69
D-18057 Rostock
Tel. +49-381-498-5628 
christoph.diensberg at
BEPART is part-financed by the European Union

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