TOC: Entrepreneurship & Regional Development Vol. 18 #4

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Thu Jul 20 10:09:15 MESZ 2006

Table of Contents - Entrepreneurship & Regional Development
Volume 18, Issue4, 2006

Industrial districts and internationalization: the case of the agri-food
industry in Modena, Italy
Pages 279 et seqq.
Paola Bertolini, Enrico Giovannetti

The dynamics of entrepreneurs' networks in a transitioning economy: the
case of Russia
Pages 305 et seqq.
Bat Batjargal

For the greater good: business networks and business social
responsibility to communities
Pages 321 et seqq.
Terry L. Besser, Nancy Miller, Robert K. Perkins

Gender and the commercialization of university science: academic
founders of spinout companies
Pages 341 et seqq.
Peter Rosa, Alison Dawson

Book review
Pages 367 et seqq.
Mats Hammarstedt

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