TOC: ISBJ Vol. 24 #2

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Tue Apr 4 12:30:55 MESZ 2006

Table of Contents - International Small Business Journal
Volume 24, Issue 2, 2006

Institutional Forces: The Invisible Hand that Shapes Venture Ideas? 
Per Davidsson, Erik Hunter, and Magnus Klofsten
Pages 115-131

Organizational Learning in Smaller Manufacturing Firms 
David P. Spicer and Eugene Sadler-Smith 
Pages 133-158

The Internet as an Information Conduit: A Transaction Cost Analysis Model of US SME Internet Use
Franz T. Lohrke, Geralyn McClure Franklin, and Cynthia Frownfelter-Lohrke
Pages 159-178

A Grounded Theory of Portfolio Working: Experiencing the Smallest of Small Businesses 
Michael Clinton, Peter Totterdell, and Stephen Wood 
Pages 179-203

Comment: 'Specificity' and 'Denaturing' the Small Business 
James Curran
Pages 205-210

Book Review: Managing India's Small Industrial Economy: The Catalytic Role of Industrial Counsellors and Policy Makers 
Mathew J. Manimala
Pages 211-214

Book Review: The Creation and Destruction of Social Capital: Entrepreneurship, Co-operative Movements and Institutions 
Lars Rønning
Pages 214-217

Book Review: Regional Economic Growth, SMEs and the Wider Europe 
David Smallbone 
Pages 217-220

Book Review: Industrial Districts: A New Approach to Industrial Change 
Italo Trevisan
Pages 220-224

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