CFP: SME-Entrepreneurship Global Conference 2006

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Thu Feb 23 10:52:11 MEZ 2006

Call for Papers: SME-Entrepreneurship Global Conference 2006
Competitiveness, Challenges and Prospects in the New Global Environment
Deadline for submission of abstract:  31 March 2006

Entrepreneurial ventures, family businesses and small and medium-size
enterprises (SMEs) in general play vital roles in every economy although
the extent may differ from country to country. Besides contributing to
the volume of output of goods and services in the economy, they create
employment, form a springboard from which large firms leap, stimulate
competition in the economy, feed large firms with raw materials,
semi-finished goods, parts, etc. and distribute their products, and so
on. However, the question of sustainability of small and medium-size
businesses in the new and competitive global era following the
competitive onslaughts of multinational companies and other large
corporations has been raised. Policy makers around the world are also
giving increasing attention to the issue of creating sustainable and
resilient small and medium businesses. It is therefore important and
timely to organize a conference in this area, to bring together policy
makers, academics, the business community and researchers to interact
and share their experiences from research and practice.

Call for Papers

Submissions in the form of case study, conceptual, empirical and
practitioner papers are invited in the following areas (but not limited
to these), which address issues around Entrepreneurship, Family
Business, and SME in general (EFS): 

Competitiveness and sustainability of EFS 
Current Developments in EFS 
Challenges and opportunities for EFS 
Case studies on EFS 
EFS and Economic restructuring 
EFS Financing and Access to Funds 
SME Bank 
Micro Finance 
Interest Free Finance 
Technology and Innovation 
EFS and MNCs 
ICT Adoption by EFS 
Government policies on EFS 
Human Resource Management in EFS 
Operation Strategies of EFS 
Marketing Strategies of EFS 
Ethical and cross-cultural issues 
EFS and Nation Building 
EFS and the Environment 
Gender Issues 
EFS education and training 
Intrapreneurship,Technopreneur, cyberpreneur, etc.) 
EFS and Access to Global Markets 
Sustainability of EFS 
EFS and Regional Economic Blocs 
Internationalisation of EFS 
Managing growth in EFS 
Problems with Research in EFS 
Important Dates

Deadline for submission of abstract:  31 March 2006
Deadline for full paper submission:  15 June 2006
Acceptance:  31 August 2006
Camera Ready:  30 September 2006
Conference:  17-18 October 2006

Submission of Abstracts and Papers

Abstract should not be more than 250 words. Full paper, not exceeding 8
A4 pages (single spacing), 10 Font size, Times New Roman in Microsoft
word format, should be submitted before the deadline for inclusion in
the Conference Proceedings. All submissions are taken to be an original
work and have not published or accepted elsewhere. To be published in
the proceeding, at least on author must register and present the paper
at the conference. The maximum number of submissions per registered
participant is 2. The official language, for both submission and
presentation, is English. 


gsec2006 at 

Nelson Oly Ndubisi
Chair, SME-Entrepreneurship Global Conference
Associate Professor, School of Business
Monash University Malaysia
Tel: 603-56360600 Ext 3311
E-mail: nelson.ndubisi at


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