REMINDER: International Indigenous Business and Entrepreneurship Conference

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Wed Feb 15 09:07:43 MEZ 2006

Call for Papers
2006 International Indigenous Business and Entrepreneurship Conference 
June 19-22, 2006. Sandia Resort & Casino, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Due Date for Submission of Papers is March 1, 2006. 

Program Chair: Raul Gouvea, Associate Professor, FIT Department,
Anderson Schools of Management, University of New Mexico.

Theme: Fostering Indigenous Entrepreneurship 

Who Should Attend? Academicians, business professionals, government, and
NGOs, students, and anyone interested in learning and sharing
experiences pertaining to Indigenous Entrepreneurship and Economic

Papers: Papers should focus on the conference main theme and related
topics such as financing of Indigenous Entrepreneurship, marketing
indigenous products, services, and technologies, indigenous gaming
industry, media, entertainment, fashion & design, challenges &
opportunities facing indigenous sustainable entrepreneurship, the role
of regional, federal and multilateral agencies and NGOs in promoting
indigenous entrepreneurship. Case studies on indigenous entrepreneurship
in Asia, Oceania, Africa, Latin America, North America, and Europe are

I - Financing Indigenous Entrepreneurship: developing financial products
for indigenous business, investing in indigenous human capital, legal
indigenous business issues, financing indigenous business ventures
strategies, sovereign immunity in indigenous commercial transactions

II - Marketing Indigenous Products, Services, and Technologies:
indigenous ecotourism strategies, indigenous trademarks and patents,
channels of distribution for indigenous products, services, and
technologies, exporting strategies, e-commerce and indigenous

III - Indigenous Gaming, Media, Entertainment, Fashion, and Design:
Developing indigenous gaming business, media, the indigenous
entertainment industry, indigenous fashion & design industry. 

IV - Challenges & Opportunities Facing Indigenous Sustainable
Entrepreneurship: culture, traditional values, ethics and
entrepreneurship; indigenous women and entrepreneurship, mining,
forestry, fishing & hunting, environmentally friendly technologies. 

V - The Role of Regional, Federal, NGOs, and Multilateral Agencies in
Promoting Indigenous Entrepreneurship: The role of state agencies, the
role of federal agencies, the role of the World Bank, IFC, ILO, United
Nations, and the role of NGOs. 

VI - Fostering Indigenous Entrepreneurship - A Case Study Perspective:
Case studies on indigenous entrepreneurship from North America, Latin
America, Asia, and Europe. 

Student Track: Graduate students are also encouraged to submit papers
and case studies to the student track.  Only papers written by students
will be considered. 

Proceedings: A conference proceedings will be published containing all
papers presented at the meeting. The Proceedings will be distributed at
the conference. 

Discussants, Paper Reviewers, and Session Chairs: If you are interested
in serving as a reviewer, discussant, or Session Chair, please e-mail
your interest to iibec at

Paper Submission Guidelines:  A complete copy of the paper must be
received by March 1, 2006

1.	Submissions must be original. The author (s) must certify that
the paper (s) has not been published elsewhere. 
2.	Authors and/or co-authors must register for and attend the
meeting in order to have the paper included in the proceedings
3.	Papers should not exceed 25 pages, double spaced, including
references, tables, and figures. Times New Roman characters, 12-point
font-size, and double spaced. Microsoft Word.
4.	Papers will be blind refereed. 
5.	There will be a best paper award. 
6.	All submissions should be sent, preferably via e-mail to: 
Jaye Francis, Conference Coordinator
Anderson Schools of Management
University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, New Mexico (87131). 
Ph: (505) 277-6471
Fax: (505) 277-9868
E-mail: iibec at

For more Information about IIBEC please see at

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