ANNOUNCE: NEP-Entrepreneurship

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Fri Feb 10 09:25:02 MEZ 2006

From: Marcus DEJARDIN [mailto:marcus.dejardin at] 
Date: Tue 9 Feb 2006 15:54

Dear Colleague in Entrepreneurship Research,

This email is more particularly intended for the new 2005 and 2006
subscribers to the entrepreneurship-phd e-list. Sorry for possible
By sending you this short message, I would like to inform you about

New Economics Papers - Entrepreneurship (NEP-ENT)

the now more than 4 years old University based Research device. NEP-ENT
is part of the New Economics Papers Project. NEP is an announcement
service which filters information on new additions to RePEc (*) into
Edited Reports (**). Reports include particularly new Working Papers
with abstracts and direct download weblinks. Keywords that are used as
filters for NEP-ENT: Entrepreneurship; Self-employment; Small Business;
SMEs; Spin-off; Start-up; Gazelle.

In association with Entrepreneurship: Occupational Choice; Entry and
exit; Firm Demography; Industrial Organisation; Innovation; Markets;
Venture Capital; Institutions; Rent-seeking; Economic Growth; Economic
Development; Territorial Development; Public Policy.

HOW TO JOIN (or leave) the new Entrepreneurship (NEP-ENT) mailing list ?

Please, have a look at: and follow instructions.


Marcus Dejardin

Facultes des Sciences economiques, sociales et de gestion
Facultes Universitaires Notre-Dame de la Paix
8, Rempart de la Vierge, 
5000 Namur - BELGIUM
Tel.: ++32-(0)81-724828 - Fax: ++32-(0)81-724840

Fellow in the Economics of Entrepreneurship ?
Stay in touch with Entrepreneurship Research
by joining New Economics Papers - Entrepreneurship
Just have a look at:

(*) RePEc (Research Papers in Economics) is a collaborative effort of
over 100 volunteers in 44 countries to enhance the dissemination of
research in economics. The heart of the project is a decentralized
database of working papers, journal articles and software components.
Any institution is welcome to join in contributing its research
materials. All RePEc material is freely available. The RePEc database
holds over 362,000 items of interest, over 261,000 of which are
available online: 171,000 working papers; 187,000 journal articles; 1300
software components. RePEc WWW Homepage. RePEc Project:
Universities and Research Centres : to contribute to the RePec database,
please read directions appearing at the address :

(**) The NEP reports are generated by subject-specific editors and are
circulated via email to 16782 unique addresses (January, 2006). The goal
is to provide subscribers with up-to-date information on new additions
to the research literature. NEP WWW Homepage. NEP Project:

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