CFP: Entrepreneurship in Service Industries (SIJ)

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Thu Feb 9 15:28:15 MEZ 2006

The Service Industries Journal - Special Issue: Entrepreneurship in
Service Industries
Guest Editors:  Professor Domingo Ribeiro and Professor Salvador Roig
University of Valencia, SPAIN
Deadline: May 31 2007

Issue 1, volume 29 will be devoted to the study of entrepreneurship in
service industries around the world. Today, it is widely recognised that
the success and vitality of the service sector are essential factors in
measuring an economy's progress, its quality and its future
expectations.  It not only improves competitiveness in every national
market, but also indicates growth at the global level, consolidating
competitiveness in advanced economies and assuring social welfare in
less economically developed countries. The service sector is the only
area which has continued to grow and create new employment over the past
two decades on a worldwide scale, while industry and agriculture have
suffered a decline in activity with a sharp drop in employment figures.
In Europe, the service sector has become a strategic sector of the
European Union's new Employment Policy.  European policy does not merely
put emphasis on services as a means of stimulating the economy, but as a
key factor in creating wealth. In the United States, service sectors,
especially knowledge-intensive industries, have become the core strength
of the economy. The Service sector represents 80% of the activity in the
USA while in Europe 65% of jobs are related to this sector. Service
sector activity is constantly growing.

Articles in this special issue would examine concerns faced by
international communities-from a comprehensive range of areas
(coverage): economics of the service sector, business, operations, human
resources, organizational design, information systems, quality, tourism,
strategy and management, marketing, global issues in service sectors,
innovation and technology. Authors share their experiences in
developing, implementing, and evaluating their entrepreneurial decisions
and strategies and explore not only the latest research and
methodologies in the field, but also examine the theoretical and
managerial implications, and future research opportunities in service
industries. New theories, technological advancements, investigations and
the most relevant up-to-date case studies based upon the utmost academic
rigour form the cornerstone of the issue's aims and objectives. It is
likely to become essential literature for managers, executives,
academics, researchers, students in business, consultants and
practitioners, focusing on both the profit and non-profit areas of the
service industries.

The special issue would cover the relationship between service
industries and entrepreneurship including both conceptual and empirical
papers, leading to an improvement in the understanding of global service
industrial perspectives of the entrepreneurship concerned.
Practice-oriented papers and teaching-oriented papers are welcome, as
well as case studies of successful firms that have important practical
implications. Also included will be original papers which contribute to
the advancement of the field of management and business and the
interface between service industries and entrepreneurship, as well as
articles on government economic policy.  

Researchers interested in publishing in this special issue on
entrepreneurship in service industries should indicate their intention
by sending an abstract (or full paper) that includes a short
introduction to the topic, an outline of the research methodology, and a
summary of the findings to the Guest Editors, Professor Domingo Ribeiro,
at domingo.ribeiro at, or to Professor Salvador Roig, at
salvador.roig at, no later than May 31, 2007.  The full paper is due
no later than November 30, 2007.  Please clearly identify your
submission in the email subject line, SIJ-Entrepreneurship in Service
Industries-Special Issue. All papers will go through the regular
double-blind review process to ensure its relevance and quality, and
must follow the SIJ Style Guidelines (see this attachment). This special
issue will be published in January, 2009.

More info at

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