CFP: Small businesses in the globalising economy (IJGSB)

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Thu Jan 19 12:57:47 MEZ 2006

International Journal of Globalisation and Small Business

The International Journal of Globalisation and Small Business (IJGSB)
invites you to submit articles for small businesses in the globalising

Purpose and Scope

The goal of the IJGSB is to explore opportunities and threats of
globalisation for small businesses as well as small businesses'
strategic options in an increasingly globalising world. Dramatic changes
in contemporary society and economy have impacts on small businesses.
The changing environment negatively influences the development and
survival of smaller organizations in some areas and creates new
opportunities for small businesses in others. Small firm managers
increasingly have to cope with global as well as local competitive
dimensions. Research in this broad field thus is highly relevant. The
topics of interest to IJGSB readers include but are not limited to:

* international strategies of small businesses
* entrepreneurship in global businesses
* small businesses in a changing environment
* globalisation in family businesses
* new international paths such as chosen by born globals
* impact of e-commerce on small businesses
* innovation management in global competition
* international education for small businesses
* change of values in small businesses

Paper Submission

Innovative and high quality manuscripts addressing the proposed or
related topics are very welcome. The reviewing process is designed as
follows: In a first step the issue editor will evaluate the submitted
papers for their appropriateness to this issue. The appropriate papers,
in a second step will each be sent to two international experts, using a
double blind review process. Papers should be submitted to the editor,
preferably by e-mail (if not possible send four copies of the paper by
normal mail). Concerning the form of submission please refer to the
notes for intending authors on the homepage of the International Journal
of Globalisation and Small Business (IJGSB)

Readership of the Journal

Academics, research workers, and students - especially students in
doctoral, MBA and similar programmes; executives and managers, policy
makers and administrators in private and public sector enterprises and
systems; management consultants and specialists in business functions,
e.g. in research and development departments or human resource

Dr. Susanne Royer
International Institute of Management
Chair of Business Administration, esp. SME
University of Flensburg
Munketoft 3
24937 Flensburg
Phone: + 49-461-8052580
Fax: + 49-461-8052572
E-Mail: royer at

More info at

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