[Rundbrief_sektion_migration] CfA IMISCOE 2017, Migrants´ access to local housing markets: Past experiences, new challenges

Sektion Migration und ethnische Minderheiten sektionmuem at gmx.de
Son Dez 4 22:01:43 MEZ 2016

Liebe Mitglieder der Sektion Migration und ethnische Minderheiten der
DGS sowie liebe AbonnentInnen des Newsletter!

Anbei erhalten Sie einen Call für eine Session im Rahmen der IMISCOE
Konferenz 2017.
Die Bewerbungsfrist endet am 12. Dezember 2016.
Weitere Informationen unten.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Alexandra Graevskaia

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Call for abstracts for next year's IMISCOE conference (June 28-30, 2017
in Rotterdam): *Migrants´ access to local housing markets: Past
experiences, new challenges*

Various empirical studies have demonstrated the limited access of
migrants to the housing market in several (European) countries. The
declining stock of social housing as well as blocking/gatekeeping
strategies of housing providers contribute to the marginalisation of
vulnerable groups. At present, particularly asylum-seekers and refugees
are facing major problems on the housing market in several European
countries. In addition, research also shows that even long-established
immigrant communities often remain socially and geographically
marginalized. Local policies as well as internal guidelines and blocking
practices of housing officers as ‘gatekeepers’ play an important role in
sustaining segregation. The (intended or unintended) steering effect of
local policies and bureaucratic practices can confine vulnerable groups
to neighborhoods with only few resources such as jobs, public
transportation, public amenities. Such practices can also explain why
some segregated neighborhood where migrants settle first, can become a
trap instead of a stepping stone. Moreover, dispersal programmes for
refugees, which exist in various European countries and which aim at
housing migrants in low-density, often rather rural and homogeneous
regions, can lead to feelings of isolation and experiences with
discrimination. We encourage contributions which investigate factors
influencing migrants´ access to local housing markets from various
disciplines and methods. We welcome papers from different perspectives,
focusing for example on residents and their agency, the structural level
of local policies and allocation strategies, or including and excluding
neighbourhood spaces.

Please send your abstracts of no more than 250 words to
barwick at cmb.hu-berlin.de, before December 12. We are looking forward to
receiving your abstracts!
Christine Barwick (Centre Marc Bloch Berlin / Sciences Po Paris) & Heike
Hanhörster (Research Institute for Urban and Regional Development