CALL: Special Issue in Sustainability "Researching Entrepreneurship at Different Levels: Micro, Meso and Macro"

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Wed Feb 21 21:50:18 CET 2018

From: Ondřej Dvouletý [mailto:ondrej.dvoulety at] 

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

recently I got an opportunity to edit a special issue in Sustainability (IF=1.8). The title of the special issue is "Researching Entrepreneurship at Different Levels: Micro, Meso and Macro" and the final deadline for submission of manuscripts is 30th October 2018. For details, please, visit the following link:

My personal motivation for this special issue is to empirically contribute to the field, also from the aspects of countries and regions that have not deserved much attention in the literature yet. 

The following aspects and topics could be addressed in your submissions:

- Entrepreneurship, innovation, and regional development
- Sustainable entrepreneurship
- Entrepreneurial activity
- Determinants of entrepreneurship and self-employment
- Entrepreneurial economics
- Entrepreneurial finance
- Entrepreneurship policies and their evaluation
- Entrepreneurship in emerging, developing, and transition economies

Sustainability is a good journal with the relatively fast publication process and solid reviewers. Please note, that in case of acceptance of the paper, there is an article-processing fee for the open access. 

Feel free to disseminate this call to your colleagues and friends in the field and I am very much looking forward to receiving your contributions. I am also open to answering any of your questions. 

With kind regards from Prague, 

Ondřej Dvouletý
Department of Entrepreneurship
University of Economics in Prague  
Skype: ondradvoulety 
Mobile: +420 728 431 027 
Email: mailto:ondrej.dvoulety at

Recent Paper: Dvouletý, O. (2017). Effects of Soft Loans and Credit Guarantees on Performance of Supported Firms: Evidence from the Czech Public Programme START. Sustainability 9(12), 2293 []

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