CALL: Call For Papers - Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth, McNair Center Conference 2017

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Mon Oct 9 15:25:50 MESZ 2017

From: Anne L. Dayton [mailto:dayton at] 
Date: Mon 2 Oct 2017 19:17

Call for Papers: Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth

December 8, 2017

Organizer: Edward J. Egan

The McNair Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation at Rice University's Baker Institute seeks submissions of empirical and/or theoretical papers concerning the relationship between entrepreneurship and economic growth.

We will consider papers that use a broad range of definitions of either term. Topics on which paper submissions would be welcome include, but are not limited to:

. High-tech, high-growth ventures

. Small business and/or self-employment

. Company formation

. Entrepreneurs themselves

. Welfare analysis

. Contributions toward gross domestic product

. Firm and/or industry growth

. Economic diversification

. Urban entrepreneurship ecosystem development

. Increasing rates of success, returns to capital and/or productivity

. Value creation

. Technological improvements

. Effects on social mobility, opportunity and/or inequality

. Increased competition and specialization

. Novel measures

To be considered for inclusion on the program, abstracts of submissions must be sent to mcnair at by October 20, 2017. Authors of accepted papers will be notified in early November. PhD students on or near the job market are highly encouraged to apply.

The McNair Center will cover the cost of domestic travel and hotel expenses for one author per accepted paper.

The conference will be held at Rice University's Baker Institute, which is located on the Rice University campus at 6100 Main Street, Houston, Texas, 77005.

Questions? Please contact the McNair Center at mcnair at

The Call For Papers is also available online at:

Anne Dayton, Ph.D.
Research Manager
McNair Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Rice University's Baker Institute for Public Policy - MS 40
P.O. Box 1892
Houston, Texas 77251-1892

Phone: 713.348.3477
Cell: 713.320.8781
Email: mailto:dayton at

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