CFP: Call for chapters for an edited Volume titled: 'Entrepreneurial, Innovative and Sustainable (EIS) Ecosystems: Best Practices and Implications for Quality of Life'

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Mon May 9 12:25:17 CEST 2016

From: João Carlos Correia Leitão [mailto:jleitao71 at] 
Date: Thu 5 May 2016 16:29

CfP_Springer Edited Volume
Entrepreneurial, Innovative and Sustainable (EIS) Ecosystems:
Best Practices and Implications for Quality of Life
Series - Applying Quality of Life Research: Best Practices


The holistic construct of an (E)ntrepreneurial, (I)nnovative and (S)ustainable ecosystem refers to the collective and crossing nature of entrepreneurship, innovation and sustainability. New firms emerge and grow not only because there are entrepreneurs that created and develop them. New ventures emerge also because they are located in an ecosystem made of private and public stakeholders, which nurture and sustain them, supporting the inventive and innovative action of entrepreneurs.  

Following Isenberg (2010), an entrepreneurial ecosystem consists of elements that can be grouped into six domains: (1) a conducive culture (e.g. tolerance of risk and mistakes, positive social status of entrepreneur); (2) facilitating policies and leadership (e.g. regulatory framework incentives, existence of public research institutes); (3) availability of dedicated finance (e.g. business angels, venture capital, micro loans, crowdfunding, crowdsourcing, equity funding); (4) relevant human capital (e.g. skilled and unskilled labour, serial entrepreneurs, entrepreneurship training, coaching and mentoring programmes); (5) venture-friendly markets for products (e.g. early adopters for prototypes, reference customers); and (6) a wide set of institutional and infrastructural supports (e.g. legal and accounting advisers, telecommunications and transportation infrastructure, entrepreneurship promoting associations). 

Based on this definition, governments can evaluate whether they have an EIS ecosystem and what actions they should prosecute, knowing that each EIS ecosystem is unique and all elements of the ecosystem are interdependent. Successful dynamics often result from the identification of both comparative and competitive advantages funded on natural resources or specific assets, which may be in very limited numbers. 

Objectives and knowledge transfer of the edited volume

Following the previous work of Leitão & Alves (2016), this edited volume aims, firstly, to present a multidimensional approach by providing a state of the art on EIS ecosystems, as well as structural and changing dynamics and its impact on citizens’ quality of life. Secondly, it aims to present a set of international benchmarking case studies on good practices and initiatives oriented to the creation and development of EIS ecosystems. Thirdly, it aims to be positioned as a reference guide for scholars, policy makers and practitioners interested on entrepreneurship, public procurement, new public management, innovation and sustainability.

In terms of knowledge transfer, these international benchmarks on EIS ecosystems, should be able to be replicated, for fostering the creation of entrepreneurial and innovative units and promoting sustainable practices, under an open innovation paradigm, which needs to congregate both public and private stakeholders, using co-creation, transparency and participatory budget practices that jointly improve accountability and public management.  

Recommended topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
• Entrepreneurial dimension:
o Startup communities
o Financing supportive system for entrepreneurship
o Female, senior, disabled, ethnic and green entrepreneurship
o Entrepreneurial and smart cities
o Intrapreneurship in public institutions
o Transparency and accountability
o Participatory budget and management
• Innovative dimension:
o Co-creation practices and business models
o Open innovation practices and business models
o Open public administration
o Mobile administration
o Creativity, design and innovation
o 3-D Printing and Co-design
o Social Innovation
• Sustainable dimension:
o Quality of life triggers
o Structural ecosystems and citizens’ quality of life
o Third sector networks and citizens’ quality of life
o Corporate social responsibility
o Social inclusion 
o Sustainable business models
o Sustainable public administration

Important Dates
May 30, 2016: Proposal of abstract 

July 18, 2016: Notification of acceptance

January 16, 2017: Full chapter submission

February 28, 2017: Review results returned

May 31, 2017: Final chapter submission 

June 16, 2017: Final acceptance notification

Inquiries can be forwarded to 
João Leitão
University of Beira Interior (UBI)
School of Social and Human Sciences
Department of Management and Economics
CEG-IST, Centre for Management Studies of Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon 
C-MAST, Centre for Mechanical and Aerospace Science and Technologies, UBI
E-mail: jleitao at
Helena Alves 
University of Beira Interior 
School of Social and Human Sciences
Department of Management and Economics
Business Sciences Studies Centre (NECE), UBI
E-mail: halves at
Norris Krueger 
Center for Global Business Research, School of Advanced Studies, University of Phoenix, USA
E-mail: Norris.krueger at
Isenberg, D. (2010). How to Start an Entrepreneurial Revolution. Harvard Business Review 88(6): 41-50.
Leitão, J. & H. Alves (Eds.) (2016). Entrepreneurial and Innovative Practices in Public Institutions: A Quality of Life Approach, Applying Quality of Life Research: Best Practices, Springer. 
Best regards

João Carlos Correia Leitão

Universidade da Beira Interior (UBI)

Gabinete dos Alumni da UBI 

CEG-IST, Centre for Management Studies of the Instituto Superior Técnico 
Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal

C-MAST, Centre for Mechanical and Aerospace Science and Technologies, 
Universidade da Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal 

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