CALL: Proposals for 2017 Volumes of the FGF Studies in Small Business and Entrepreneurship (Springer Book Series)

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Thu Jan 7 09:00:08 CET 2016

The editorial board of the FGF Studies in Small Business and
Entrepreneurship, a book series published with Springer, invites
proposals for research monographs, edited volumes and handbooks to be
published in 2017.

About the series

The aim of the FGF Studies in Small Business and Entrepreneurship is to
showcase exceptional scholarly work in small business and
entrepreneurship research. The book series has an interdisciplinary
focus and includes works from management, finance, innovation,
marketing, economics, sociology, psychology and related areas reflecting
the breadth of different approaches to small business and
entrepreneurship research. Volumes in the series may include

•       research monographs,
•       edited volumes, and
•       handbooks.

The FGF Studies in Small Business and Entrepreneurship acknowledge that
small business and entrepreneurship phenomena occur at various levels of
analysis and hence the series is concerned with a plethora of levels
including the analysis of individuals, organizations, networks,
economies and societies. Through this, the book series serves as a
vehicle to help academics, professionals, researchers and policy makers,
working in the fields of small business and entrepreneurship, to
disseminate and obtain high quality knowledge.

About the editorial board

Editors-in-chief: Joern Block, Andreas Kuckertz
Series Editors: Dietmar Grichnik, Friederike Welter, Peter Witt

About FGF

The FGF Studies in Small Business and Entrepreneurship are published on
behalf of the FGF e.V., the largest and leading association of
entrepreneurship scholars in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.


Informal inquires should be addressed to one of the editors-in-chief at
any time (Joern Block: block at; Andreas Kuckertz:
andreas.kuckertz at Formal proposals are due on March
31, 2016, and should be submitted to one of the editors-in-chief.
Authors/editors should use the book proposal form that is available on
the book series' website or from the editors-in-chief.

More information

Book Series Homepage:
Recent Titles in the Books Series:
Introduction to the Book Series on ResearchGate:

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