CFP: Request for Proposals - Seeking New Insights and Potential Sources of New Entrepreneurial Growth: Minority Entrepreneurship

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Mon Jul 20 17:26:38 CEST 2015

From: Alex Krause [mailto:akrause at] 
Date: Thu 16 Jul 2015 16:14

The Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation is seeking research proposals that generate knowledge and expertise that can feed joint learning, innovative practices, and evidence-based policymaking for successful entrepreneurship and the financing of entrepreneurial ventures by minorities.

For full details please visit: 

Conference Organizers and Special Issue Editors

Timothy Bates - Wayne State University

William Bradford - University of Washington

Alicia Robb - University of California, Berkeley and Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation

Robert Seamans - New York University

Our interest in minority entrepreneurship in the United States is driven by four related concerns:  1) successful entrepreneurship allows individuals to fulfill their potential to create value for themselves and others, 2) business ownership can reduce the racial disparity in economic well-being, 3) successful entrepreneurship can improve the overall economic status of the United States as it competes globally, and 4) minority entrepreneurship can lead to improved local economic development in lower income communities and communities that are disproportionately minority. These concerns have led to a large body of research on racial differences in entrepreneurship in the United States, but factors driving racial differences in entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial performance are still not well understood.

The Kauffman Foundation is pleased to announce a special set of two one-day workshops to bring together academic researchers conducting research on minority entrepreneurship. Selected researchers will be invited to San Francisco for a one-day workshop following the AEA meetings in January 2016. Airfare, some meals, and hotel accommodations will be provided to presenters. Authors will be invited to Anaheim, Calif. in August 2016 for a one-day conference to present nearly final papers immediately before or following the Academy of Management annual meetings. Again, airfare, some meals, and hotel accommodations will be provided. At both workshops, senior scholars will take part to provide feedback and mentor new and emerging scholars. Authors of papers that are selected for a special issue for Small Business Economics and/or inclusion in an edited volume published by the Kauffman Foundation will be provided a research honorarium of $2,500. A $5,000 best paper prize will be awarded to the author(s) of one selected paper.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following
.         Challenges and barriers to high-growth entrepreneurship among minority entrepreneurs
.         Roles of entrepreneurial skills and knowledge on entrepreneurial choice and/or performance
.         Innovations in entrepreneurial finance and the potential to alleviate financing barriers for minority entrepreneurs
.         The importance of owner's balanced skills ("jack of all trades") versus deep skills in minority business entry and performance
.         The importance of teams in minority business entry and performance
.         Changes over time in the unexplained gap in bank lending to minority businesses
.         Equity financing and minority entrepreneurship
.         Immigrant entrepeneurship
.         Degree of ethnic mix of clients among other ethnic minorities and the effect of those differences on firm performance
.         The benefits and effects of programs that increase diversity in government and private contracting
.         Research that investigates behavioral issues such as motivations, preferences, goals, and growth perceptions of the owners: What are their goals? How do they see themselves in five years or ten years? How do they perceive their business, and how do they think they are perceived by others (banks, their customers, their competitors, their investors, etc.)?

Submission Information

Authors should submit an electronic copy of their proposal (five single-spaced pages) to Alex Krause at akrause at by September 30, 2015.

Additional information

We will evaluate the proposals received, and authors will be notified of acceptance to the pre-conference by October 30, 2015. We may invite a selection of applicants for an interview before making a final decision.

Alex Krause
Research & Policy
Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation
4801 Rockhill Road
Kansas City, MO 64110
Tel. 816-932-1123
akrause at

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