Call for Chapters - Complexity in Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Technology Research

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Sun Feb 1 14:30:52 CET 2015


Proposal Submission Deadline: February 28, 2015

Complexity in Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Technology Research – 
Applications of Emergent and Neglected Methods

An edited volume to be published with Springer as part of the FGF 
Studies in Small Business and Entrepreneurship

Edited by Andreas Kuckertz and Elisabeth Berger
University of Hohenheim, Germany


Complexity is an inescapable concept, evident not only on the 
organizational level, but in every aspect of the globalized world. 
Individuals, organizations, countries and economies are linked together, 
which increasingly burdens the disentangling of phenomena across 
disciplines. This is especially true for entrepreneurship, innovation 
and technology research, all of them fields with many links to other 
research fields and incorporating multi-faceted concepts. Yet, many 
methods fail to account for this complexity and instead rely on 
approaches streamlining reality and reducing complexity, thereby 
oversimplifying phenomena under investigation. The challenge is to apply 
methods, which still enable a comprehensive understanding of a 
particular phenomenon without overly reducing its inherent complexity. 
Fortunately, there is a plethora of methods available that allow richer 
illustrations of multiplex problems. However, most of these methods are 
either neglected in mainstream entrepreneurship, innovation and 
technology research, or are at best emerging and have gained popularity 
only recently.

Objective of the Book

This volume aims at providing a forum for the discussion of neglected 
and emergent methods in the context of complexity in entrepreneurship, 
innovation and technology research and also at developing to be a 
standard reference in the rising field of the application and 
advancement of those methods. We invite papers with different 
theoretical concepts and methods, in order to assemble a rich, vibrant 
and multi-faceted collection of studies applying methods able to capture 
complexity and bringing together diverse perspectives. Theoretical 
contributions will be considered as well as empirical ones. Promising 
methods to capture complex phenomena in entrepreneurship, innovation and 
technology research of interest for this volume include, but are not 
limited to, the following:

•	Action and field research
•	Archival and historical methods
•	Configurational analysis, e.g. Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA)
•	Mixed method studies
•	Mixture regression models
•	Network analysis
•	Simulations

Target Audience

This book will be a timely reference and essential reading material for 
students, academics, and qualitative, quantitative and mixed method 
research practitioners interested in questions addressing 
entrepreneurship, innovation and technology.

Submission Procedure

Researchers are invited to submit on or before February, 28 2015, a 2-3 
page chapter proposal clearly explaining the mission and concerns of his 
or her proposed chapter. Authors of accepted proposals will be notified 
about the status of their proposals and sent chapter guidelines. Full 
chapters will be reviewed on a double-blind basis. Contributors may also 
be requested to serve as reviewers for this project. The volume is 
intended to be published early in 2016.

This book will be published with Springer, as part of the FGF Studies in 
Small Business and Entrepreneurship. The book series serves as a vehicle 
to help academics, professionals, researchers and policy makers, working 
in the fields of small business and entrepreneurship, to disseminate and 
obtain high quality knowledge. For additional information regarding the 
publisher and the book series, please visit

Inquiries and submissions can be forwarded electronically (Word 
document) or by mail to:
Prof. Dr. Andreas Kuckertz
University of Hohenheim
Wollgrasweg 49
D-70599 Stuttgart, Germany
Tel.: +49 711-459-24820
E-mail: andreas.kuckertz at

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