POSITIONS: Open PhD student position in entrepreneurship & innovation

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Mon Sep 8 16:40:08 MESZ 2014

From: Johan Frishammar [mailto:johan.frishammar at ltu.se]
Date: Freitag, 5. September 2014 16:02

We have a vacant position as a PhD-student at the Entrepreneurship & Innovation research group at Luleå university of technology, Sweden. The candidate will work on the topics of knowledge transfer, knowledge leakage and knowledge problems in and around pilot- and demonstration plants. The position is a 5-year contract funded by the university and external funding bodies, and provides a great opportunity for a dedicated candidate to work in a very good research environment. More information about the position is below. Please spread to qualified candidates that you may be aware of. 


Best regards,
Johan Frishammar

Johan Frishammar (Ph.D.)
Professor, Entrepreneurship & Innovation Centre Director, Promote Luleå University of Technology
SE-971 87 Luleå, Sweden
Mobile: +46-73-805 76 41
E-mail: Johan.Frishammar at ltu.se 

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