POSITIONS: Open positions at the Chair for Entrepreneurship - University of St. Gallen

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Mon Jul 7 11:13:23 MESZ 2014

From: Peter Vogel [mailto:peter.vogel at unisg.ch]
Date: Fri 4 Jul 2014 15:08

Dear fellow entrepreneurship scholars,

We have two open positions at the Chair for Entrepreneurship, University of St. Gallen (Switzerland).

PhD Candidate and Research Associate in Entrepreneurship (70%) http://internet8.refline.ch/854211/0923/++publications++/1/index.html 

Head of the HSG Startup Lab (Startup at HSG) (part-time or full-time) http://internet8.refline.ch/854211/0922/++publications++/1/index.html 

If you are interested in the position or know anyone who could be interested, please reach out to me.

Best regards,

Dr. Peter Vogel
Head of Competence Center New Ventures
Managing Director Center for Entrepreneurship 

Institute of Technology Management (ITEM-HSG)
University of St.Gallen | Dufourstrasse 40a | CH-9000 St. Gallen

Tel. +41 (0)71 224 72 06 | Fax  +41 (0)71 224 73 01
peter.vogel at unisg.ch |  www.item.unisg.ch/ent

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