CFP: Journal of Family Business Strategy (Special Issue): Family Business and Regional Development, Deadline: Sep 15, 2014

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Mon Jun 2 14:48:40 MESZ 2014

From: Rodrigo Basco [mailto:bascorodrigo at]
Date: Mon 2 Jun 2014 14:35

Call for Papers – Family Business and Regional Development
Guest Editors

Rodrigo Basco (Witten/Herdecke University) 

Joern Block (Universität Trier and Erasmus University Rotterdam) 

Roger Stough (George Mason University) 

Friederike Welter (Institut für Mittelstandsforschung Bonn and University of Siegen) 

Karl Wennberg (Stockholm School of Economics)
Dear Colleague,

On behalf of the Guest editors of Journal of Family Business Strategy (, I would like to cordially invite you to consider participating in the special issue entitled “Family Business and Regional Development”. 

The aim of this special issue is to examine the role of family firms in regional economic environments and to enhance our understanding of the ways family firms may (or may not) contribute to regional economic growth and development.

This special issue will consider qualitative and quantitative empirical studies, case studies, and more theoretical and conceptual research contributions. The cross-disciplinary nature of current research on family firms suggests that a new understanding of the role family firms play in regional economic development will likely come from a melding of theory and research across fields like regional economics, regional studies, entrepreneurship, geography, business, management, political science, psychology, and sociology. 

Please note that the submission deadline is September 15th, 2014. More information and  instructions for submission can be found here: Call for Papers ( For questions regarding submissions or the content of this Special Issue, authors are welcome to write to one of the guest editors: Mr. Rodrigo Basco (bascorodrigo at, Mr. Joern Block (block at, or Mr. Karl Wennberg (karl.wennberg at For general questions or inquiries about JFBS, please contact Torsten Pieper, the Assistant Editor, (tpieper at
All the best

Rodrigo Basco, Ph.D.
Witten/Herdecke University (Germany)

Blog (english): Family Firm Blog (
Blog(español): Blog de la Empresa Familiar (

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