ANNOUNCE: Paper's Session / International Workshop on Youth Leadership and Entrepreneurship

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Fri May 2 12:11:03 MESZ 2014

From: wnyleworkshop2014 at [mailto:wnyleworkshop2014 at] 
Date: Thu 1 May 2014 00:12

Dear friends;

Greetings on behalf of the 'World Network of Young Leaders and Entrepreneurs' in Tampere, Finland. This year we organize the International Workshop on Youth Leadership and Entrepreneurship to take place on 12-15 September 2014 at the town of Kiljava. Although the aim of this training is practical and meant to enhance the entrepreneurial mind-set of promising young leaders/entrepreneurs, we would like to include a session of presentation of papers related either to either youth leadership or youth entrepreneurship.

The auditorium is to be made by 50 international youth between 18-23 years old. If you are interested in making a presentation as part of our workshop session of entrepreneurship/leadership papers, please send us a 1 sheet abstract of your presentation plus a summarized CV.  
Deadline for paper's proposal is 30 May 2014. There is no financial compensation in terms of fee or travel support but our organization may provide the accommodation of those who result selected for a paper presentation.

Further information on the international workshop:

With our regards;

Perkionkatu 85
33900 Tampere

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