RESPONSE: PhD project Bulgaria

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Wed Apr 23 10:04:38 MESZ 2014

From: Guillermo Garza Milling [mailto:gmilling at] 
Date: Tue 22 Apr 2014 17:46

Professor Angel
I am not a Professor.
I am an Inventor with several Patents and Initiatives to develop Products to promote Economy.
I have an initiative called Knowledge Labyrinth you can take a look at my LinkedIn Profile.
The Knowledge Labyrinth is to tech the Innovation and Inventing process by a repetitive learning of the tools and protocols needed to innovate while learning a motivated non-Academic content.
I have several Inventions in a start-up focused to prevent the Pathogen dispersion in the living environments by delivery a specific doses of disinfectant every time you flush the toilet, for tank toilets and flushometer toilets.
I can share my experience and I am open to start one or several inventing initiatives with your University if is the correct time and we can get funding.
I am a Mechanical and Electrical Engineering (1975) with a Master on Electrical Engineering (1980), Senior member of the Society of Manufacturing Engineering and 38 years of Industrial experience.
Let me know if my Profile is what you are looking for.
My Shype is: guillermo.garza.milling
Guillermo Garza Milling

On Tuesday, April 22, 2014 2:35 AM, "entrepreneurship-phd at" <entrepreneurship-phd at> wrote:
From: mirchev.cmp at [mailto:mirchev.cmp at] Im Auftrag von Angel Mirchev
Date: Mon 21 Apr 2014 10:27

Dear All,

Technical University of Varna, Bulgaria develope EU project for Stimulating and help PhD Student in our University to develope Economy, based on Knoledge and Innovation.

At the Project one Aim is to invate professours in Entrepreneurship and Innovation for transfering best Practice and knoledge from West University to our.

Ang my invitation to any Professour who have posibility in time 9-16 of Juni 2014 to visit our University and have discution/Seminars with our MBA and Phd Student.
The project cover all travel cost and wccomadation in Bulgaria.

We will have very interesting Programe for our Guest Professor and we will show our country and famos Black Sea coast.
I am not only full professor at University of Bourgas, but at Technical University of Varna I teach Entrepreneurship, participate at the project too.

So I am waiting so many in this short time to receive positive answet from any of you


Prof. Angel Mirchev,
Ph.D (D. Ec. Sc.)
Prof.Dr.Asen Zlatarov University of Bourgas Department of Public Health and Management
1 Prof. Yakimov Street
8010 Bourgas, BG
Contact Information:
 Tel:  + 359 887 614 476
 Tel.: + 359 878 466 073
Email: amirchev at
Skype: cmpconsulting1

CMP Consulting Ltd,
86 Makedonia Str, 9014 Varna, BULGARIA
Office Te/fax l: +359 52 699 740

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