POSITIONS: Professorship in Economics of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, University of Zurich, Deadline: Aug 31, 2013

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Thu Jul 4 18:43:05 CEST 2013

From: Prof. Dr. Tobias Kollmann [tobias.kollmann at uni-due.de]
Date: Thu 4 Jul 2013 17:40

The Faculty of Economics, Business Administration and Information Technology of the University of Zurich invites applications for a Professorship in Economics of Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Applications are invited for a position as Full Professor (Chair), starting earliest in January 2014. Our faculty places strong emphasis on outstanding research and scholarship. Through its educational and research objectives, the University of Zurich aims at attracting leading international researchers who are willing to contribute to its development and to strengthening its reputation. The research focus of the chair will be the study of the nexus between human capital, entrepreneurship, innovation and growth, from both a theoretical and an empirical perspective. Relevant research topics could include questions such as: What are the determinants of innovation? What organizational arrangements are more conducive to innovation? How important are human capital, financial factors and cr  edit frictions? How important is openness and the international competitive pressure? More generally, what is the relationship between innovation, human capital and long run economic growth? This professorship is part of a broader initiative based on a contract between the University of Zurich and the UBS Foundation that foresees the establishment of five new professorships at the Department of Economics, and led to the creation of the UBS International Center of Economics in Society, which supports cutting edge research in economics. The new professor will have the opportunity of being affiliated to the UBS International Center of Economics in Society. The position involves teaching undergraduate and graduate courses. The language of instruction is either German or English. The University of Zurich is an equal opportunity employer and strongly encourages applications from female candidates. Please submit your electronic application including a curriculum vitae and publicati  on list to Professor Harald Gall, Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Business Administration and Information Technology of the University of Zurich (innovation at oec.uzh.ch). The deadline is Aug 31st, 2013. 

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