What's hot in entrepreneurship research 2013?

entrepreneurship-phd at lists.uni-due.de entrepreneurship-phd at lists.uni-due.de
Thu Jun 27 15:42:00 CEST 2013

Dear colleagues,

A little while ago I did a survey on current trends in entrepreneurship 
research. The project was called "What's hot in entrepreneurship 
research 2013?" and you can access the results now at


"What's hot in entrepreneurship research 2013" is an international 
expert survey aimed at the identification of relevant topics and 
methods. According to the survey, the entrepreneurial process, social 
entrepreneurship as well as entrepreneurial thinking and behavior are 
currently the most relevant topics within the field of entrepreneurship 
research. Methods are still dominated by quantitative approaches, 
respondents perceive them, however, as being associated with less 
potential to generate new insights when compared to other analytical 
approaches. In particular qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) is 
identified as a new or underappreciated method going along with the 
potential for new and interesting findings.

I hope you find this useful, I will be happy if you share your thought 
on this with me.

Best regards


Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andreas Kuckertz
University of Hohenheim (570 C)
Institute for Marketing & Management
Wollgrasweg 49
D-70599 Stuttgart

Tel.: +49 711-451017-490
Internet: https://entrepreneurship.uni-hohenheim.de/
Mail: andreas.kuckertz at uni-hohenheim.de

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